Yes, it should be Project Lightning. Interesting detail: She has a heli lift on the foredeck. Should be a first for Lürssen.
Here is a video of the new 130m+ Lurssen build. Some are reporting this is Project Lightning but it also resembles Project Redwood by Nuvolari & Lenard.
Well in due time we will for sure know. Up until now I've never heard of or seen any renderings of Project Lighting..
I have written with the guy, who made this video. She looks larger, because of the perspective. This new one should have a similar size than Shu.
I think the new project is "Redwood", 146m project "Sassi" was already moved into the floating drydock after the launch of Thunder and is due to next year. Never heard of project "Ligthning" but came across project "Sherasheda" anaother 130m yacht that is going to hit the water 2019.
Mods - you should unmerge the threads per Carl’s new guidance on one thread per yacht. This thread is originally for project Shu whereas the new thread is Project Redwood (most likely).
Ok, I think I am the only one who heard the name is Lightning . But Redwood sounds reasonable, if Lürssen wants to deliver in 2019. Furthermore can see clearly similarities to the concept drawings.
Interesting observation from the last three Lurssen boats we have seen (Thunder, Shu and now Redwood/Lightning): all three make significant sacrifices in aft outdoors guest space in order to accommodate the aft helicopter pad, the same thing is visible on Dilbar and the 110m Feadship 1007. This seems to be a trend in the market and suggests a significant desire from owners to be able to use helicopters to access their yachts whilst underway. As an aside, it may be the case that Thunder, Shu, and Redwood/Lightning are all based on the same technical platform?
Do you mean that as in outdoor guest space or indoors, in either case I think the sacrifice is minimal given the tremendous length and volume the yachts you mention have. If anything I think most megayachts aside from a few (Luna as an honorable mention to explain my point) lack outdoor guest space given their huge size.
Outdoors, specifically such an arrangement sacrifices the sun-deck as seen on yachts such as Aviva. I agree with you about the lack of outdoor space though, what we have seen on recent large yacht launches is an obsession with privacy that has translated into indoor space instead of outdoor space.
The broker of Redwood just changed a few facts. The lenght increased from 139 meter to 142 Meter and the delivery date was shifted from 2019 to 2020.
We have a technical launch! Lürssen just launched the stern part of Redwood. The looks massive! Much more impressive than SHU oder Lightning (?).
I agree the stern is absolutely massive! When it all gets put together she will be one MASSIVE vessel.
A mostly completed hull and superstructure is being transferred to a finishing shed. She looks like she will have a ton of volume.
Ok, found it. Looks massive. Interessting bow section! But I have no idea in which shed she will be transferred to. All standart sheds should be occupied.