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Ready to switch from Containerships to Yachts

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by OverAPLships, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    As KIWI correctly anticipated, I was refering to full SOLAS yachts with more than 36 passengers, which are called passenger ships by the rules. With a yacht according to LY3 and LPY code, those rules are "adjusted" :) as KIWI mentioned. A typical 200 ft / 1200 to 1500 GT yacht with a normal crew of 12 to 14 with single crew cabins with ensuite bath and dedicated crew galley plus crew dining and mess would not leave very much room for the owner and his guests.
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    And that word is used frequently within all sections of the rules. It's much like we'll all sign and agree as long as you leave us free to decide which parts of it not to insist on.

    I personally find some of the sleeping conditions and other work conditions very poor in the industry. When I hear a yacht owner or captain say they just can't live with a limit of 14 hours per day and they can't provide at least one 6 hour interval for sleep, I cringe.

    Our sleeping arrangements last night.
    -Two owners and three guests in 3 staterooms
    -Married crew couple in 1 stateroom
    -1 crew member in 1 stateroom
    -3 crew members in 3 separate crew cabins (designed for 5 or 6)
    -1 engineer in engineer's stateroom

    Yes, all the crew could fit into the crew area, but why? We never need more than 3 staterooms for owner and guests on our long cruises. Now occasionally on a two day, one night cruise or even a weekend cruise we do get crowded but neither guests nor crew mind it for that time.
  3. OverAPLships

    OverAPLships New Member

    Apr 24, 2015
    whooaa bro calm down haha i never said i was too good to do deckwork i worked on tugs in the bay for years to pay my way through cma. and im not whining about **** i was just curious. to everyone else thanks for all the info
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    To me, with you coming from commercial work, my question wouldn't be about your work ethic or willingness to do whatever job needs doing. It would be your willingness to put up with minutia. How would you feel about wearing a mini-toga while serving drinks and hor'derves, and would you look good in it? (A picture of a captain in a magazine I'll never forget).