Hey, I will try anything and everything before I have to start shelling out $$$ If I give up, then I will have no choice but to throw $$ at the problem. Stay Thirsty my Friends….lol
For the small amount of freon the unit takes, why not just evacuate it and recharge it? Sometimes it's better to pay $150 to fix something, than $1500 to replace it because the fixable one was destroyed!
Because there is no AC Man in the area and he charges $120/hr. So 2hrs just for the trip here and back and who knows how long to play with it and what else he needs? Freon, parts, etc…..Better off trying myself or biting the bullet and replace or go without. The AC man drives an exotic car and big boat here from where he works…I assume he didn't get it by getting lucky? In my case I got lucky and fixed my self without evacuating, because if I didn't do it right I would of damaged the coils and then would of had to replace the whole **** thing anyways. Hope that helps the picture come in clearer?
It sounds like your unit is low on Freon and not getting cold enough to make and keep ice and there is nothing wrong with the mold assembly. The unit I have and others I have seen, literally will go from turned off 90F to ice in the bin in 20-30 minutes. In 5-10 minutes the entire freezer will be super cold. Put a pint of ice cream in the empty ice bin and see how hard it stays or gets.....or test it with a thermometer.....
I'm sure mine is freezing. I've been buying ic at the marina and keeping it in the icemaker for 2 years now. I figure it worth $160 to try to fix it. I also hate to pt 4 or 5 hundred in it to have it fixed since the unit is 15 years old.
Hey, report back on how it goes. Mine is working great, but I know sometime in future, it would be nice to replace the whole mold assembly. thanks
We have ice. I replaced the icemaker assembly using the procedure Aimhii recommended here. Thank you. I also had one tech at raratan that said that would work. The other said no way. I figured for $160 it was worth a try. It took about a half hour and started producing in in about 20 minutes for the first time in years. Had a full bin the next morning. Emptied it and another full bin that night. Isn't it am aging what you can learn on the internet. Thank you Aimhii and yacht forums for the help.
Hey - that's what this forum is all about! Just an update as well.... I caulked the inside gaps in the ice maker and turned on for an hour with arm up so as no water was pumped in and let box get cold. Put down arm later and nice dry cubes... No more blocks! Take that you AC heat/Air dudes....lol
The plastic water tube came loose, and for the life of me I can not find where it attaches to the ice tray. The plastic out of the water valve got brittle and broke and when cutting off the end and inserting the other end came loose and I can not find where it goes. Help. Thanks