I appreciate the comments and the willingness to share. I was wonder what year your 500 was built. I took your comments as a stimulus to look harder. I spent several hours at FLIB looking at the Prestige. Also looked at Absolute, Princess, Azimut and Sunseeker. I asked a lot of questions for several hours over two days. I had the best rapport with the Prestige team for SE Florida. Two of the factory design and production personnel were open and helpful. The hull construction was described, all through hulls and topsides are laid out with solid lay up. The new control system was good, with 100% manual backup. The 590 drops efficiency, but is 15% heavier. I also looked at 6 year old Prestige 550 that had at least superficially aged well. The newer years have the appearance of upgraded beefed up hardware. Some better fabric options look good too. We still favor the design including the roomy engine room, separate entry to master and the aft placement of the galley. I like the Cummins engines as well and rear facing props vs. Volvo. I will look forward to the sea trial and factory tour to dig deeper. If you have some specific elements to look at and could share those that would be great to know. Thank you.
Mine was a 2015 I purchased it from SI yachts who I love dealing with. I have also been on newer versions. I now have a princess. They are not even in the same league honestly. There were honestly so many issues I wouldn’t know where to start. My hot water heater was always a problem. Showers didn’t drain properly. I had the Volvo engine and this were def a disaster so I’m glad they now have Cummings. The boat is underpowered and runs very flat which creates an extremely wet ride. I do most of my boating in the northeast through the LI sound and to ack and the vineyard. Unless it was flat out i always got soaked on the bridge. In addition, the fit and finish were not great. Little pieces would break off of things inside all the time. I even had a water leak at one point through where the Bose speakers were mounted inside...It is possible I just got a lemon - who knows. That said, now that i have the princess , i see the stark difference between build quality. All boaters are looking at their next boat the day they sign the papers on their new boat. For a few more bucks you will be much happier elseware and you will have a much more solid boat with superior fit and finish. There is a reason why they are among the least expensive boats on the market.....
This was sent to me a week or so ago. New prestige being moved to Florida. Wiring issue. Wasn’t surprised at all.... I can’t figure out how to get the photo attached but it’s a new prestige in route from ny to Florida a week or two ago engulfed in flames.
I saw that video. It was on the ICW just south of Wrightsville Beach, NC. I thought about this tread but who is to say what caused the fire. Where did you hear it was a wiring issue?
The pic I have is from my budddies captain who was there. Coincidently moving his prestige 550. He said he spoke to captain and that what he said.....
So you're going to select what boat to buy based on who has the best salesmen and nicest persons at a boat show?
I wouldn't normally have noticed this thread, but we were just recently docked right behind a Prestige of some sort for a few days... Lots of visibility from cockpit to interior... Outa our class, and I haven't been on any of the newer and especially larger Sea Rays... but I'm slightly surprised at a theoretical qualitative grouping that separates Carver and Sea Ray. I'm even more surprised at a grouping that puts Sea Ray together with Sunseeker/Princess. All of the Sea Rays we've been on have been decent enough Chevies... -Chris
Everyone knocks Searay. I would say they're above Princess and below Sunseeker, but honestly better build quality than both but not as good riding. You're not replacing the teak decks at 6-7 years old like you are with Princess, Sunseeker, and Prestige. No gelcoat cracking and the gelcoat is still in good shape on the Searay if it's been taken care of. The Searay interiors fare very well. The real truth in the build quality is when you go out looking at used 10 year old boats and how they've fared over time. I've dealt with several new Princesses, many many issues on them. Sunseeker builds a solid boat with the systems done right, but falls short with the gelcoat cracking issues. Sunseeker is a far superior performing boat than the princess and searay both in speed and ride. None of them are near the quality of a Hatteras MY, not even close......Prestige is definitely below the quality of all 3, by a good 2 steps. All of the Euro boats really have teak veneer on the decks, instead of real teak decks that will last.
We all luv Sea Ray J. Yep, I knock the Rays, I don't agree on all,, but will also admit, Skippy J does have lots (LOTS) more hours in a Ray than I. I am deaf in one ear and can not hear in the other,, But noise still bothers me.. The last MAN powered 58SD that I delivered had more snaps, cracks and rattle noise on the bridge than in the ER. It ran well (barely) around jax full of the owners stuff. Empty for delivery it flew but was still a marching band on the bridge. I have just a few minutes in these other brands also. Not impressed. Searay , Bayliner and lots of others limit your interior with pre molded liners and interiors. Hard to stretch your salon legs under a box bench, that is the head board of the below cabin bunk. IMO; when you shop, sit and stand where you and your guest will be,, look out the windows, are you looking out to the views, up to the cap or down to the deck. Can you talk with each other in a normal voice at idle or cruise? Is there any place you can relax, enjoy the view from any angle, STRECH YOUR LEGS, all without your teeth grinding & snap crackle & pop in between your ears??? I have two big recliners in my 58' boat,, You could not ad a floor pillow in that 58SD.. Hardened ole Hat & Bert fan here... Can ya tell..
Well, I didn't at all mean my comment to be a knock on Sea Ray. The ones we didn't buy just happened to be supplanted in our shopping decisions by different boats with layouts or other features we liked better and that would work better for us. But aside from access issues -- not at all uncommon in most small-ish boats trying to offer lots of features -- we didn't see anything qualitative that would have nixed a Sea Ray purchase. On our Chevy budget. I only know what I've read about Princes and Sunseeker; from reading, I thought they must sit on the Right Hand of... For us, ANY teak decks would just suck, no matter the thickness. As would teak pulpits, toe rails, coamings or covering boards, or pretty much any exterior wood. Looks nice when it looks nice; looks like crap when it's not been kept up... and I just couldn't keep up with that kind of maintenance. Also from reading, I think a Hatteras or a Viking would be nifty, but... I'm not doing ladders to flying bridges... and I'm not excited about 32V DC systems... which is probably where our budget would let us enter that market in a boat larger than what we have now. About the only feature I'd really like to move up to, without losing features we have now, is a full-beam master... which means I think a significant increase in LOA... and $$$. Have to admit, though, a Hatteras with full-beam master, stairs to the flybridge, and a cockpit (at that size, it would likely have most of the other features we wouldn't want to lose) might be pretty nifty if affordable. We replaced the original sleep sofa that came in this boat with two electric recliners. -Chris
All British (Princ- Fairline - Sunseeker), Ferretti Group models, and Azimut build after 2000 I know have solid teaks. The Brits and Azimut tend to be a tickness of about 5 mm which serves about ten years if no one does anything something stupid to it. Ferretti Group used to be around 8 mm although I do believe later models have decreased and become the same as the others. All French Beneteau Group brands with the exception of the larger MCY have veenered teak lamintated with just 1 to 1.5 mm of teak and marine ply under it. I have also seen Prestige from before 2010 which also had Iroko not teak, and same with some post 2000 Princess or Fairline. Some Princess do ride better to Sunseeker and the other way round. The Princess V58 and Princess 62 or 64 flybridge ride amazing for example. The Sunseeker 70 Manhattan rides good as does the 62 Predator, and 64 (not as good as 64 cause COG was moved further aft). In principle both have good hulls, but Sunseeker have a lot of CoG problems in most of its boats.
5mm of teak is very thin and does not survive 10 years in Florida, no matter how carefully you clean it. American and most Asian builders use teak that is 3/4" thick (19mm). I've run a new 62' Flybridge extensively. The ride is pretty good but not great and the one I've run has a seakeeper on it. It has so many problems that the owner (long term yacht owner) is going to sell it in a few months and hasn't even had it a year. In a following sea it leans from side to side and flip flops on one side or the other of the V. The older 62' Sunseeker is a FAR superior ride as well as the 63' manhattan and 75' yacht, I haven't seen COG problems in these 3 models. I've also run the older V58 (mid 2000s) and I wouldn't say the ride was anything to write home about either. good but not great. I've put over 1000 NM's in various sea conditions on both of those boats as well as a newish 55' princess and an earlier 56' and 64'.
Hey there, Baz. Looking at several 50 flybridge boats. Would you buy Prestige? Reasons? I am grateful for your help.
Where do you plan on using the 50 Prestige, it's not a great open water boat. Freshwater Lake Mich is ok. It's just not a quality built boat
Mostly in ICW in Florida and very occasional off shore. Looking at Sea Ray 510 Fly and Prestige 500 Flybridge. Thank you for your help. I am grateful.