It was great for a hang over, Just lean on it, the sweep always spun the other direction from my stomach and head. Or was that the W C bowl. Thank you for this reminder. And yes, been on the waters all my life. Some how survived,, so far.. Retiring again soon. Anybody remember what a W C bowl was?
I looked very hard at Prestige 550 in 2015. I was concerned about resale value as it was really just introduced into the US market with a larger dealer and marketing presents. I was on a 550 with lots of the interior panels off as the dealer was install custom 110a.c. outlets, lighting and speakers for the owner, so I was able to look in at the hull, it was a raw finish and could see light, the panels were not installed with robust brackets/hardware and thought they would rattle loose at some point down the road. The carpentry is all honnycomb for weight reduction seemed solid enough. They are a builder of Jeannue sailboats and use the same in-house carpentry shop. I also was worried about the gross weight and how it would be in snooty seas. It would be a good boat for Lake Michigan also watching weather. We decided aginst it due to resale, not able to handle rough seas well with out getting tossed around due to light weight. It does have great amounts or room, master stateroom layout and huge shower. The hard top is an after thought for the US market and looks as such. So rather then looking money were now wanting a better built boat that will hold it's value, be a battle wagon and not come apart in snooty seas. Spent a few hours really looking over the boat and love the layout and seperate master entrance. But that's it. Save up and get a better built boat or go older
Gentlemen, Thank you for your comments., I will look harder behind the surface before going further. Will get a chance at flib in a few weeks.
Now I really have to show my age. Wilcox-Crittenden heads were and may still be the best pieces of porcelain known to man. I have bowed to this porcelain queen more times than any other. If Guinness Records kept a count, I'd be there. Shame on all for not remembering their porcelain godess. We have all boweld to at some time onboard.
Capt Ralph your “handle” takes on new meaning now that I know about you hugging and loven on your Wilcox-Crittendon head. Been awhile since I bowed to any porcelain queen except the flu a couple of years ago.
Oh, I re-read the beginning post on this thread. I understand the lil confusion. It was not the Raytheon/Raymarine equipment I was dishing. The engine (Cummins/Merc) displays are labeled Smart Craft. I call it by it's more correct name (as others) smart crap. Owners with these displays will be in for a rude awaking when they need replacement. They are no more.
You are correct in that the old style smart craft displays for Mercury outboards are no more. But, all of the Zues boats I've seen have the newer style except a few. They make a new smart craft display, granted it is slightly larger (about 1") and you have to modify the dash, but you can buy them no problem and the Cummins dealer can program it in an hour or two.
A customers boat was zapped by lightning. Original smal displays. Per Cummins, the Gen 2 stuff was a lil larger but hard to find. The fix was the new gateway I/O and Simrad 7 inch, EVO3 displays, new Smart Craft software With the Simrad bundle. Also, the engine Smart Craft software gets updated like the Simrad softwate does. Expensive fix covered by insurance. So, per Cummins S E Power, the gen 2 displays are not to bet on. Oh, mods are required on the cables for any upgrade.
I had one cummins boat display changed and 2 whalers with verados. The displays were no problem to get 7". Took a week if I remember correctly. There's a harness adapter and that wasn't a big deal to change on the cummins boat, same as whalers. Going simrad is another option. I want to say the Smart craft displays themselves were $1900. The programming of them was very easy.
sorry I am late to this thread. I had the 500 Fly and hated it. I would 100 percent suggest going for an older used boat of a better builder. I had nothing but problems. the boat is underpowered and the craftsmanship is suspect at best. Happy to provide more info - PM me with any questions. I could not take a trip without something important breaking down. I sold it with 200 hours and was thrilled to get rid of it.
Does anyone know how many 450 Prestige Fly’s were sold in th US. Plenty of 500’s but can’t find any used 450’s.
Sold Boats shows 7 new boat sales for the 45' Flybridge from 2014 to 2017. Prices range from $890K to $990K. Sales were split between CA and IL. As a comparison there 20 new 50' Flybridge sales reported from 2013 to 2017. Again almost all were in CA and IL. Sold Boats is not an official register of sales but it may give you an idea of the new boat sales ratio of 50's to 45's seems to be about 3 to 1. .