Oh, Thank goodness, thought that cheap rum was kicking in again, it's just your new camera messing me up.
I'm not sure if I should post this picture in "Enjoying your Post SF" or in "Post invitation to Miami" I took this picture of my 46 Post about a hour ago during a winter storm in NY. I photo-shopped out my neighbors house, then looked out the window and it seemed like there was a few more inches on the boat. As I took this picture I thought about P46 Curraco enjoying the warm weather and of Ruby with his Post shrink wrapped only a few miles north of me.
RT46, wow thats a serious amount of snow! It's a pretty picture to make your own Christmas cards this year!!
I am very ready for winter to be over. I'm heading down the end of this month to start moving my boat. We're running from Tampa through the keys and over to Pompano. I can't wait!
P46, thanks for that immage of your fireside pic in your 46 Post. Just so you know, I am prepping for 6-8 inches of snow on my 46 Post tonight into tomorrow. I feel like I have cleared more snow and ice from my boat this year that the guys on the Deadliest Catch!!!!