Both my Huckins had GM em....will last forever, if you feed them clean fuel, water and oil. I too recently changed from wood to surveyor commented on the rats nest in the fly bridge....will be interesting to compare notes All the very best and no headaches during your rebuild.
Hey Bob: Good luck with the Tank, did mine years ago. Had the same problem wet on the top and coming apart. I replaced both tanks, Post had me cut the stringer between the tanks and once the front tank was out I was able to pull the aft tank through and up and out the door. Did not have to cut the floor. Post said its going to take a lot of work to re-tab the floor and get it to fit right. Shawn
Well, when the boat was in charter they did a crappy job of replacing the deck, and I want to work on the water tanks also so ripping up the deck is no big deal. I am building a fuel manifold to allow use of either tank (nice to have any way) so I can run on the forward tank while the construction progresses. There will be a temporary cover over the gaping hole. I do not like making the boat unusable for any length of time.
Bob: Take pics of the project as the saying goes you learn something new everyday. You always get ideas!! Good luck with it. Shawn
Off to New Jersey early tomorrow to pick up my new aft tank. Atlantic Welding has been a joy to deal with thus far, looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Well I have been not doing a great job of updating this year. Here's a shot of something I've been wanting to add for some time. Thank you Mike and the crew of Hangover!
If not, I'd recommend cutting more of the deck and changing the aft tank now. It would really suck to redo the deck and a year later have to tear it all up the change the tank.
I've been putting off replacing the aft tank all summer, I had it built last spring....yes there is another foot to cut out.
I can't believe Post would put a shutoff valve on top of that tank as shown in your picture. How would you ever get to it?
LOLOLOL, I once had to cut a 6" hole in the center of the cockpit floor of a 32' Luhrs and then put a pie plate so I could change the fuel tank sender.......You'd be amazed at the stupid stuff builders do.