Oh that is great I am really happy for you, good luck and congratulation! Ron, will there be apartments at the opposite side as well?
Thanks....... We have been together for 13 years and we have two kids .................so it was time. If the buildings will be on both sides wont you get alot of noise?.....Every conversation will be heard between the buildings? everything you do will echo. the same like at resort The Landings at st lucia.
I have always wondered about that you know Milow. The masterplan for the project shows...that residences were to be over there but I am not sur what they are doing now. With the recession who knows if they abandoned the idea...We will have to wait and see.
Looks like it will be finished by the end of 2015: Mullins Bay Blog: Meanwhile, Just Two Miles North ...
YachtNews, thank you for the pictures and info, looks like a beautiful development, very good for Barbados.
I'll post these elevations in 800 pixel format just so the details would be clear. I found these while digging for more information on the project. The elvations are from a blog by a Corey Graham.
Earlier master plan for the PF Marina... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Port_Ferdinand_map,_Barbados-002.jpg
My continued coverage of the construction work on-going at the Port Ferdinand Marina from this morning. The new marina is a stones throw from the Port St. Charles marina.
Is the picture with the roundabout in it, the road for all public or a private road? If it is a main road for all people then I wouldn't wanna be in one of those Apartments. way to close to the road. Buildings look nice.
The beach is still there and people still bathe at it but right now, alot of construction equipment, back hoes and such are on the northern end of the beach doing dredging and placing granite boulders etc.
Actually in Picture 50 that was all white sand beach and in the sea a bit of submerged reef. So the width of the entrance plus the width of the groins is the amount of beach lost. The general public who swim every day on the North side of Port St. Charles will now apparently be swimming in an area reduced maybe by 1/2 in size, and swimming between the entrances to two marinas. Please note by law all beaches in Barbados are public. However, there is a piece of the "natural beach" that now appears to have been cut off by this new marina entrance on the southern end. On the Northern end of the beach will be the private beach club entrance and boulders. Hence, they appear to have created a beach that is not accesible to the general public but yet not a private beach. This general area is where PSC would pump the sand removed from the megayacht berths. Hence, it will be interesting to see where they will put this sand now. I am not sure why the groin in the middle of the sea. I am not sure what this groin is on top of ? This groin is probably to prevent the storm and north swells from going under the PSC bridge and moving the yachts in the megayacht berths.
Wow, buildings are really shaping up. To bad that nobody can buy the apartments...................WHY IS THERE NO REAL ESTATE WEBSITE.................REALLY BAD MARKETING........... Thanks for the pictures.