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Please Post To Brand Specific Forums and Be Exact When Titling Threads!

Discussion in 'Christensen Yacht' started by YachtForums, Oct 26, 2013.

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  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Posting threads under the brand-specific forum of your boat will produce the best results, not only from YF members, but from the web. If anyone uses a search engine like Google to look for information on the brand name of your boat (such as Bertram, Viking, Carver, etc.), these keywords will place YachtForums at the top of the results, therefore you will get far more exposure than just the members of YachtForums alone. More web EXPOSURE for your thread means a better chances of getting answers.

    INDEXING is not a simple matter. Often, thread titles are not well thought-out. If you don't use keywords specific to your boat and problem, you may not meet the common search and trigger criteria of web crawlers and search engines, therefore you end up with a low number of people viewing your thread. Be specific when titling threads!!!

    If you post to your brand specific forum, you are GUARANTEED many more people will see your thread. Why? Because guests don't have access to YF's search feature, therefore they found YF by using a search engine (like Google). Typically, if you type the brand name of any large boat in the world into Google, then add the word "yacht", YachtForums will be at the top of the results. This is why we have so much traffic. And this is why YachtForums works!

    If you put the same thread somewhere else on YF, unrelated to your boat, not even flies will come near it! Such is cyber world; like a library, a massive web of organization.

    Please post to your brand-specific forum!
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