Is it yours yet? Or a pending contract? Seriously, if it's as good as it looks, with what you've posted here don't let a lurker beat you to it. And, yes, it does happen to people who post online regarding the boat they've found. And cash is the way to go on our toys.
Not mine yet. Not listed with no broker. Private deal. Agreed on the price after 3 weeks of talking. Flying up to Boston Tuesday to inspect and to do a mini-survey. Already got the maintenance records as well as a copy of previous survey. Still no done deal, but if she looks good in real life, I will see you in the Bahamas. Yes, cash is king for toys.
Oh, this is the Boston boat. You just want a trip to Boston regardless. Hope Tuesday's snowfall doesn't snow you in. It's not supposed to be big. Just 6 inches or so.
What snowfall? Be nice. That being said, I was born and raised in Norway, then emigrated to Alaska. Snow and ice is my middle name. Worked on tankers in the North Sea January, February, etc., been more cold and miserable than God. Tuesday in Boston should be a cakewalk.
Just wanted to make you look. No snowfall although otherwise lousy weather. Alaska was more than cool enough for us in July. I lived in NC until 2012 and we averaged 4.3 inches per year and since then in Fort Lauderdale. Belle and I did engage in a snowball fight with two kids in Seattle in 2014.
I did look. You owe me a beer. Alaska was good to me, flew bush planes up there summer and winter. Young and stupid just like on them tankers in the North Sea in January. Finally discovered sunshine and palm trees but can handle a trip to Boston even if your snow storm pans out. Bahamas next.
Back to the Perkins: The seller of the Yanmar powered Albin 28TE changed his mind today and wants more money. Not sure how people do business but he is off my list. The deal was ok, but not super sweet, brand new dink involved but a PVC Zodiac, about the worst for Florida, but probably good for up North. Guess he wanted more money because of the new dink and the new Yamaha 8hp kicker, but that was included in the firm price we agreed on last week. Scratching my head now: Sitting on cash, willing to buy boat for agreed to price, but no cigar. Wife thinks he got a better offer. Maybe so, but I am out unless he comes begging.
Well, don't just jump on any boat because you really want a boat. Find the right one. I'd be a bit hesitant with the Perkins/sabre powered one, unless CAT stocks parts for that motor.
People do business in writing. A deal is not a deal unless it's in writing and the terms are followed through to it's conclusion. At least you didn't waste time going up there. I don't travel to buy a boat without a signed agreement. Seller is committed, and contingencies allow the buyer to inspect, renegotiate, or walk.
He'd be off my list too. I once went to the table to sign all papers for the purchase of a small company by my employer. Lawyers had exchanged all the documents, everyone had reviewed them. We sat down and they wanted to make a change. Basically they wanted to stay on and have employment contracts. I stood up and said either sign what is on the table now or I'm gone, and I won't return. He ran the business quickly into bankruptcy and we bought the facility from the receiver a year later for a third of the price.
Ha, not jumping on just any boat. Already surveyed and sea-trailed 2 of these, then got a firm deal on a third at a good discount because I was going to skip survey and sea-trial, except my personal inspection this coming Tuesday. I took a chance and the seller was glad to avoid the broker/listing thing and the survey/sea-trial thing with subsequent haggling and offers/counte-offers. Then he got cold feet and now trying to get a few more shekels for it. It did not ruin my day, but it ruined my evening.
Been there too. Back in 1992 I interwied for a pilot position on the B-747 for Kuwait Airways. We did the talks in New York and the simulator checks in New Jersey. Agreed to conditions and they put me on J Class ticket to Kuwait City 3 weeks later. All is good Sir. Once I got there and met with the HR people, the terms had changed: A bit less pay, a bit more work, a bit less per-diem, and uh, the apartment is not included anymore, just sign here and you will be all set. Nice meeting you Sir. I left the table and asked them politely to book me a ticket back to the US, J class and all as this was not the deal I signed up for in New York. An hour later and a few phone calls later, they magically found the correct contract and I signed it. Don't Fukk with a stubborn Norwegian, we make the Scotts , the Germans and the Irish look wishy-washy
Here are some salty looking diesel boats, even an Albin 27' I still wouldn't have signed the Kuwait air's contract even if the 2nd contract was the correct one.
No formal contract, just a gentlemen's written agreement using email. I could always copy and paste th emails right here, as well as black list the seller all over the Internet, but not going to. Life is too short. Just got a bit bummed out tonight and thought I vent right here. (My problem becomes your problem)
Aye, it was a sweet deal, spent a year and a half living in luxury and flying their Cadillac jets as well as staying in 5-star hotels. Not bad and no taxes (Cadillac Jets: Boeing has a long option list just like the car manufacturers: Kuwait Airways choose 3 auto pilots instead of 2 like Pan-Am and TWA, hence we had more options for Category 3 rather than 2. Also we had an automatic weight and balance system based on sensors on each gear-leg. Never seen that before or after. Also pilot bed room behind cockpit and other goodies.)
Speaking of big planes. I was supposed to fly this trip but the Captain covered for me so I could go sailing to the Bahamas.
Thx, looked at all the salty looking diesel boats, quite a range actually. Too many choices, need to settle down and focus on 1 type/model, then pick the one that best suits my needs and my checking account. Not doing good so far. Perhaps I should take up golfing