The link or photo is broken. That model engine had a history of swallowing valves due to a valve stem seal problem that allowed them to sieze, get whacked by a rising piston then destroy the rest of the engine. They changed the seal design and as far as I know, eliminated the problem. The new seals have green markings, the old ones are brown or gray. There was a large class-action lawsuit over the problem. I have seen several pulled out of Hinckley jet boats due to valves sticking.
Yeah, I have heard about the valve problem. This engine should be a newer model made after the problem was dealt with. As far as the picture, I see it on my screen, will try again.
Too large for the server to process. Oh well, story of my life. Perhaps I can PM or email the photo to an Expert Moderator who can re-size it and post? If not I actually have to do something, like go to school on files and pictures. As my old Boss would say: Today is not your day, tomorrow does not look good either..
Who spiked your drink with the magic elixir leading to the Albin obsession? Not saying there's anything wrong with it, but just suddenly one day it hit you. Maybe it was hypnosis. Have you stared at something recently you shouldn't have perhaps?
Aye Mr. Olderboater: No spiked drink and no obsession. (Where did that come from, you in a bad mood or something?) Allah knows I have been looking @ various vessels, but the Albin 28TE keeps coming back to me so I might as well focus on the type and try to get the best deal I can on this particular brand and type of boat: Here is my goals: 1) Strong, fast, economical, seaworthy, liveaboard for days or weeks. 2) Protected prop/rudder for shallow Bahamas/Florida waters. 3) Fits under the magic Bahamas cruising permit rule of 30' @ $150 or $300 over 30'. Not a big deal if you go once a year, but I plan to go 5-6 times per year. 4) Single engine, average 5 gallons per hour. Not a big deal if you only, etc. 5) It will do 24 knots if I have to run away from weather or whatever. 6) It fits under all the bridges on the New River and since I live up that way, it has become a pain the arse to "do the bridges" over the 16 years I have lived On this canal. So, the Albin 28TE checks all my boxes, but I am open minded: What other but similar vessel should I be looking at in your book?
The Bahamas cutoff is 35' for $150/300, either way you can enter a second time within 90 days free. Check out the island hoppers. If I looked at 4 boats of the same brand and they all had major issues, I'd be looking at something else.
Yup, it was, then they changed it 2-3 years ago. If back to 35', great but I have not heard otherwise. I looked at 2 of these boats that were not maintained very well. Guess I found one now that is a crew puff. Can't blaim the boat, design, construction or build on ignorant owners.
Well, I do hope you find one that passes your inspection and survey. Obviously it fits your needs and wants very well, just you've run across so many that were poorly maintained or otherwise had issues. I think it's great that you've found the boat model that you feel works for you and hope you'll soon be able to find the specific boat. I'm the same way. When I find the car or house or boat that I know is right for me, then I become determined to get it. I don't consider the word "obsession" to be bad. I'm obsessed with boating. In the manner I meant it, it's simply thinking about or doing something frequently, perhaps at an increased frequency. In this case, the better word would be determination. I hope the next one turns out perfect.
Now that I have to defend my choice on the Albin 28TE: No owners or operators on this forum, hence I am Robinson Crusoe. I have done quite a bit of research after Ed suggested I look into it. The more I see, the better it looks: Everybody raves about the sea-going capabilities in bad weather. This is what I need. Not a fair weather sailor or a tourist. Been crossing da Gulf Stream 54 times on previous boat, a CSY 33 cutter rigged sloop, (see Avatar to the left) worst case was 9' seas and wind on the nose for 14 hours. (No women onboard, otherwise the mutiny on Bounty would look like a walk in the park) Not going to slow down on my old days, but need a good boat in case I run into rough weather in the middle of the Stream. This Albin 28TE seems so be able to handle bad stuff with no problems. I could post 10 links saying just that, but instead I challenge any expert on this board to prove otherwise with just one link to a bad review.
Everyone I know with an Albin loves it. Fairly active users group I believe. In the trawler world, which is filled with ex-sailors, they're considered a very desirable brand. But even if that was not the case, if it was what you liked best it wouldn't matter. We know a large percentage of those here wouldn't make any of the choices we've made. I have no idea why so many Albin owners you've run across have abused or failed to maintain their boats. Maybe just because their boats could take it and they thought they were impervious to everything.
The M300ti PerCat certainly is a very fine engine. Over here in Europe Perkins has an excellent reputation for building sturdy and durable mid-sized engines and this series is definitely one of them, no matter what color they used to paint it.
Yanmar Technical bulletin MSB 02-008 February 4 2002 "Sub: Specification change of exhaust valve stem seal, 6LPA-ST series engine This is to inform you that Yanmar shall change the specification of the exhaust valve stem seal for 6LPA-ST series. The detail of change is as follows. Please confirm the part code in repair and maintenance of the engine. 1. Type of exhaust valve stem seal: Current type : P# 119770-91030 (color of rubber portion : gray) New type : P# 119775-11340 (color of rubber portion : green) 2. Applicable engine : 6LP(A)-ST series engine assembled from February 1st 2002 in Japan. Engine serial number ; M51201 and after
I would think the valve stem seals on the Yanmars would have been sorted out by now. Either the engine has seen an untimely death or has had the valve seals updated, it's been over a decade since they knew about the issues
Came on an second owner that never heard of any problems and was upset that I brought up the conservation. 6LY2A-STP-440 hp. Near accused me of looking for work $. Since I do not work heavy on Yanmars and there is no shop in Jax I could recommend to work on Yanmars, I suggested he contact Mastery directly. I was never sure of an exact model involved but recommended he to look into it, even if I was wrong. Weeks later, he went further up the coast and dropped a valve (Summer 2015). The owner does not contact us any more. Not the same model mentioned here, same problem.
I think Yanmar is above the range of extracting lots of horse power from it's engines. Feel that they do a great job of doing so. But even the best has un-forseen boo boos. Unlike a car, recalls and notices travel poorly down the marine owners lines.
I am looking at a 6LPA-STP, serial number M58401. Should be ok, but of course, sh!t could happen with any engine/boat/wife, whatever