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Part 1: Northern Marine 90' Yacht Capsizes Upon Launch...!

Discussion in 'Northern Marine Yacht' started by olderboater, May 19, 2014.

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  1. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Your acquaintance is a long time yachtsman who is and has been in an unfortunate situation.
  2. bethecat

    bethecat New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    Regarding Aaron Pufal's involvement

    From his own blog post of September 12, 2012, Captain Pufal seems to be the ONLY reason the yacht capsized. As this quote clearly states his far-reaching control:

    "I selected Northern Marine not just because of their pedigree but because I am able to design my own vessel in true custom form. From the styling and actual structure to the smallest engineering detail I have almost complete control of this build, but with the added value of having the professional and experienced team at Northern Marine contribute to ideas with years of practical and specialized knowledge behind them."
    Yacht Captain's Blog (Aaron Pufal)

    While he remains in the mood to post documents as the new Wikiyachtleaks, I would kindly ask him to explain the invoices and PO's that he submitted to his owner for remittance right up to the moment of his dismissal. It would be nice to confirm the veracity of yachtings' Julian Assange.
  3. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Perhaps he simply meant he may have a Burger King version.

    Burger King ditches 'Have It Your Way' slogan | Fox News
  4. revluc

    revluc Member

    May 9, 2013
    Gulf Coast
    Here come the "finger pointers"!

    I have 0 interest in any party even close to this, but now we are at the point when it the thread will slip into complete blame on one parties side or the other(s).
  5. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Rest assured the involved parties have already begun to point. And when one points then they risk other things being raised. There are two indisputable facts and they both reflect poorly upon the builder regardless of the other issues and findings to come. Boat rolled and sank. Business closed. I might add too to why this became such a big event. The builder promoted it as one. Findings as to the cause of the event may or may not be made public soon. If typical, all will try to put the complete blame on others. But employees without jobs, buyers without boats. Much more talk and action to come. Also fact is that while technically a different company, this is the second time for "Northern Marine" closing the doors.

    Captain takes shots, then legitimacy his views will be questioned as to their objectivity due to the way in which his involvement ended.
  6. bethecat

    bethecat New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    Who done it?

    I too have zero interest in any party. Those who have stated that the finger pointing has begun are missing the point I was trying to make, that is to accept the 'blogger nature' surrounding these types of events. We all speculate a great deal; usually from our armchairs and rarely with any first-hand information. So be it...

    Then this captain speaks up. His post regarding the failed launch is all over the place, on Three Sheets, on Trawler blogs and so on. My opinion is that he is not speculating, or theorizing, but instead posing as an expert with first-hand knowledge and professional experience. He is not an engineer, he is not a Naval Architect, he is not an exterior stylist, he is not an interior designer, and he is not a project manager. Yet his writings take credit for every aspect of the build. As someone just said, all we know is that the boat rolled over while entrusted in the builder's hands. Aaron Pufal had nothing to do with this, and his Whistler-blower, I-told-you-so, sour-grapes post is nothing more than another exercise in neurosis. No one is blaming him, just administering a proper dose of salt to sprinkle on his pontifications.
  7. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno

    His opinions are his.

    Why the dose of salt?
  8. bethecat

    bethecat New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    To season his "facts" into opinions. :)
  9. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    "His pontifications" infer his opinions; not facts.

    One should be able to endure life without seasoning another's opinions.

    Perhaps you were thinking of a different word.
  10. bethecat

    bethecat New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    pon·tif·i·cate: to speak or behave in a pompous or dogmatic manner.

    Nope that's the word I meant to use. And thank you for checking. I would hate to be the first person who committed a syntax, grammar, or spelling error on the internet. That would be embarrassing.

    On another note, I just found this out yesterday. . .Whales: Whales Are Mammals
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
  12. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno

    Does the Pope agree?

    Whales are not the only mammals enjoying an aquatic environment.

    The Marine Mammal Center : Classification
  13. keyboardcapt

    keyboardcapt Guest

    The owner decided to place the project for sale and had Fraser Yachts finish the build. The owners Captain "Aaron Pufal" was removed from roll of Owners Rep.
  14. keyboardcapt

    keyboardcapt Guest

  15. keyboardcapt

    keyboardcapt Guest


    An "owners rep" drives a project like this from my experience. He or she floats ideas with the Ship Yard Staff, Designer and other key staff, once all these ideas pass through this step in house, and if the change affects stability, safety and so on, this type of change is vetted through Naval Architects and other officials. The entire project then gets checked and rechecked by the shipyard and other third parties as needed. No one person can make a serious change alone, only drive a change or idea. This is the same in any build of this nature.
  16. keyboardcapt

    keyboardcapt Guest

    Video of launch

    90' Yacht sinks at launch - YouTube

    Note that there are no lines on the vessel at launch, perhaps the boat could have been pulled onto the rocks lessening submersion. Further note that one or more engine(s) is running at launch. Also, I think there is an escape hatch on the forward deck, wonder why that was not used to extract the trapped crew, why where there crew on the boat any way?

    Why no support boats on standby?

    The Video production company is WA based and has a business relationship with Norther Marine by the looks of older posts, he also failed to mention that during the launch "in this manner" of the 95' Northern Marine vessel she sustained damages and was hauled/repaired soon after.

    The good news is that there was not more injuries or worse.
  17. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Looking at the boat before launch, it seems to me that the aft section of the hull tapers and rises very quickly reducing buoyancy aft, almost look like a sailboat hull. Is it possible that when launching down a ramp the reduced buoyancy and ballast at th stern caused the whole thing to become unstable?

    May have worked before for other launches but it just doesn't look right. Boat may have been perfectly stable once launched or if launched with a travel lift but not off a trailer with the angle of the ramp.

    Interesting video, but the "dude" petting the rabbit or cat or whatever is pretty annoying
  18. keyboardcapt

    keyboardcapt Guest

    Funny how the Video reporter did not show the entire video and let the viewer be the judge. It's an engineered video to hide the truth if I had a say.
  19. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I would hate to think a lil beam roll (flat tire) would cause this?

    OR a following sea lifting the bow would cause her to roll?

    I just can not understand her just rolling like that and the fault is on the launch. In real life, LIVES could be at RISK in open waters.

    What was the dude petting? He and the critter were annoying.
  20. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    This is very much how it works in the yards I am familiar with.

    The operations where the OR can do anything regardless of the consequences are not around very long.
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