Well this is interesting....just got bottom redone and props repitched to 24x20p...motors ran great, no black smoke, and no overheating now...go figure....now on to the next problem...did I blow a turbo
Roger that..was going to look at the turbo bearing first on the exhaust side to see if seal went...should be easy to tell if oil is coming from the manifold or it starts at the turbo
As a fellow 6-71 owner you should heed J's advice. If you're experiencing what you say , you could be looking at a serious bill if you mess this up.
Agreed....praying the turbo bearing seal went otherwise I am out of business for a few months while I get a rebuild
This just happened to me! The system was flushed 2 years ago and I just had an overheat last weekend, cracked the head. Turns out there was a ton of crap in the overflow bottle and blocked the return. Luckily I have friend that runs a generator company and got me a new head cheap. It should be here tomorrow so I should be up and running again this week! I'll be flushing both engines with water
Got the pictures. I do not see any blower by-pass hardware. That is NOT a TIB, Just a TI. Without the blower bypass, this engine can not make the HP as claimed when sold to you (485?). Maybe, Maybe 450HP but needed the M95 injectors for that in 1984. This is a 1983 block per serial number. M15s should be just under 400 flywheel HP. Non of this makes a matter that you dropped a valve. Time for a head pulling party. That head is heavy you will need two young and stupid backs to pick it off the block. There just a RCH room on the head ends and must come up level with the block deck of will feel like you missed a head bolt. So, do what I did one time in my old hood, ask a couple of street kids if their whimps and you have a test for them. Oh, my back crushed and messed up doing this by myself when I was young and stupid.
BTW A SWVS governor and a 71 engine will pull it's heart out out to make the requested RPM. You may have been running on 5 and overheating.
Awesome on the ti's...am actually happy to hear it...motors won't he so stressed out...maybe I got the 410 hp motors
I'm betting you have 450 hp engines. And I'm betting you dropped the valve and have a dead cylinder so you're running on 5 cylinders. Not to be a negative guy but odds of not damaging the cylinder are probably close to zero. Unless you can rebuild yourself and based on this thread it's highly doubtful. You might as well just start shopping for the mechanic who's going to rebuild her. And pay to have the other head pulled and rebuilt at the same time. You"ll thank me later.