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Online Crew websites

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by marc foster, Apr 28, 2019.

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  1. marc foster

    marc foster New Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    newport beach
    Greetings fellow boaters,

    My wife and I are heading to the East coast from So Calif this fall. Our hope is to find a captain or a couple as crew since we are not familiar with the area and will be on the boat a week per month. Friends have suggested searching crew websites and upon looking online I find there are several sites to consider.

    So my question to you all is, which sites might be the most effective. Most have an associated cost so joining several is probably not a rational way to proceed.

    Thank you for any forthcoming advice.

  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    First, there are several excellent Captains available who frequent this site and that could be your best resource, especially if you're just looking for part time help.

    What is the boat and are you looking for full time or part time? The answer to those questions might impact what sites I would recommend.
  3. marc foster

    marc foster New Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    newport beach
    The boat is an 85 ft Offshore Voyager, which we are currently cruising in the San Juan Islands. Recent move up from a smaller West Bay and my wife and I have been running it so far inviting our more seaworthy friends. Trying a deckhand/chef this next week for a six day cruise with a few older friends. I think the chef part of that deal will taste like freedom for my wife. You know, once they taste freedom there is no turning back!

    The issue is that we are from So Calif. so the boat on the East coast for two years will need supervision and TLC ( my OCD Issues illustrated here) since we will be traveling back and forth. So I expect that the best option is to bear the cost for full time help. Then the question becomes what level of experience, a lower cost newbie, a couple, a full captain, etc. It is a little bit of an identity issue to have a full time captain after 20 years of running my own boat, but the larger boat size requires more assistance given that the fenders are as tall as my deckhand wife!

    So, I guess I am open and in need of any advice.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    There are many ways you can go. I might suggest considering a full time mate and a freelance captain for the week each month you're going to use the boat. Mate can keep it clean, make sure the bottom is cleaned, make sure any scheduled work gets done. Captain can make sure mate does as he's supposed to do during those three weeks and then take you and your wife on your cruises.

    There are many other options that might fit for you. One is an older couple with Captain/Chef which makes you the primary mate when cruising. Perhaps that's a couple wanting to have more time at home and less away and your needs are attractive to them.

    I don't know how familiar you are with salaries today, either, so going to link to a site that has a fairly reasonable salary presentation for full time crew. They do a lot of placement.

    I like that specific chart because they have very broad ranges and people really do pay at all areas of those ranges.

    If you want someone who cooks then that is something you need to go for. If you want a true chef, then that's likely to be all they will do. However, far more possible to find a stew/deckhand/cook person. You'll have to decide if you want a stew cleaning inside and doing laundry or are you going to contract the cleaning out. We do not have a chef on board, even though we have one at home, and do not have deckhands. Very strange, but....Two of our stews are great cooks, one formal and gourmet, one good southern meals. I do most of the grilling. If it's fish, we have a captain who doesn't want anyone else but him doing it. As to deckhand, every stew and every captain pitches in. Our stews handle lines expertly, maintain decks as well as they do cabins. My wife and I are also captains and we share responsibilities. If we're at the helm, a paid captain might handle lines. If they're at the helm, then we'll help with lines.

    So, I'd suggest the first thing you and your wife do before even talking titles or labels of people is to make a list of the actual things you want someone else to do. Then you'll be in better position to determine what type persons you need. That also means determining what you and your wife will do. You need to think if you'll eat out or on the boat and if it's worth it to have someone else do your laundry or are you fine doing it and changing the beds yourself. You're experienced enough now to know all the things to be done on a boat, just a matter of who.

    I want to note for you, that if your boat was a charter boat, it would most often have a crew of three. They most often would be a captain, deckhand, and stew or stew/cook.

    You are likely to end up with hybrid positions and nothing wrong with that as long as you outline it up front. One person can likely handle the deckhand and stew responsibilities. It's less expensive also to go with the lower position as the full time position and use a part time captain. On the other hand you might prefer the full time captain. Then they just need to be willing to do other things in the three weeks they have not cruising.
    crp likes this.
  5. marc foster

    marc foster New Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    newport beach
    Thanks again for your excellent advice and overall observations.
  6. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    My wife and a couple of stews were just giggling over the possibilities and the fact that right now you have a blank slate and can choose all the different ways you want it to go.

    Just some examples

    I want a gourmet five star meal served in the dining room every night by a stew in uniform and very formal. A chef who can prepare any cuisine.
    I'd like someone who could cook a good home cooked meal a couple of times a week for us.

    Neither my wife nor I want to do any job like handling lines or putting out fenders.
    We want to be involved and if not at the helm, putting out the fenders and handling the lines.

    I want a stew who has a bartender background or license and can mix and serve every drink known to man.
    I'm perfectly happy fixing my own drinks on board.

    I want every cabin cleaned, every floor vacuumed and mopped, every bathroom cleaned and all linens changed and laundered every day like a five star hotel.
    I want it more like my home and maybe vacuum weekly and change linens weekly, but even the linens, I'm fine doing myself.

    I want a captain who can repair and service the engines.
    I want a captain who knows what needs to be done and knows good people to do it.

    I want a crew I'm comfortable with and will come to consider friends.
    I want complete separation and no comingling between guests and crew.

    I want a stew who can give us incredible massages daily.
    I wouldn't dare let a stew give me a massage.

    I don't want to ever step in the pilothouse.
    I want to be at the helm the majority of the time, just want a Captain to keep me out of trouble and do the dirty work.

    I want service on the boat from the moment the first person gets up until the last person goes to bed. If I want a snack at 11:00 pm, I want someone there to get it for me.
    I can still go to the kitchen (yes, used intentionally) on my own. Crew should have evenings to themselves.

    I want someone who can teach me to dive and snorkel and take me to all the best places.
    I prefer not to go under water so no teacher needed.

    I want someone good with children as my grandchildren will be on board frequently.
    This is an adult only boat. No kids allowed.
  7. Danvilletim

    Danvilletim Senior Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    isleton, ca
    Lux Yachts seems very good and fee is 25% of salary so not cheap. Denison crew services is less. is the craigslist for crew jobs. Do your own reference checks. Especially if So Florida. Lol.