Hey Dallas, Thank you for your military service to our great country. You know more about wrenches and screw drivers than I do, that's no lie. So...I am trying to get the synopsis of your question and intended use. Let me know if I have this correct. Live aboard. Marina and anchor living. Coastal and Inner Coastal cruising southeast USA. $175K all in. Bachelor. Here is direction I would steer you: Not this boat as this is just from current YachtWorld inventory, just example that may fit your quest. https://www.**************/yacht/1994-sea-ray-440-express-bridge-9008812/ As a Navigator owner keep that on your list. There are more on the West coast though. I can't tell you why exactly but I would not go with Bayliner or Carver, they put out a lot, as in lots and lots, of boats. Their designed them with heaps of livable interior spaces with less regard for mechanical spaces which makes them attractive to live aboard life.