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Oil pressure and temp gauge

Discussion in 'Cabo Yacht' started by Badcofish, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I agree, except that the gauge positions (pegged at top for oil and zero for temp) sound like defaults (possibly for no power or a short to them). In either case I think the OP has enough info to get a start on his troubleshooting. Hopefully he'll get back to us when he figures it out so we all can learn. The harness plug was a good thought. Those can get weird. I remember a Volvo (around 2000) I couldn't get started for anything. Finally called a mechanic who told me the brain sometimes defaults and you had to disconnect the plug for about 15 seconds to let it reboot. I could have been there all day and not figured that out.

    (BTW, were you ever able to plot that 2 way route out of HH? Just curious in case I'm ever down there again although doubtful now that I'm retired. Thanks.)
  2. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I've never seen a vintage Cat using harnesses, but I can see how that would be expected in a production vessel where all the wires are run independently from the actual engine installation. Makes sense to trace the wires from the senders all the way to the gauges and see what you find in between the two points. In tight quarters I think I'd just run a temp wire setup to bypass the reliance on the old wires and try to isolate the issue to whether wire, sender, or gauge.

    Run the temp wire. If the problem persists shift the wire to the other engine's gauge. If the problem still persists it's likely the sender. Shift the wire back to the original gauge and then attach it to the same sender on the other engine, and if it works, well, definitely the send. You get the drift...hopefully the OP will, too.
  3. Badcofish

    Badcofish New Member

    May 8, 2020
    Sorry for slow response the boat has cats 3126b motors the temp gauge does not move and the oil pressure pins thanks
  4. Badcofish

    Badcofish New Member

    May 8, 2020
    I was away that’s why I didn’t respond it’s a 2002 35 Cabo flybridge with 3126B cats