Offline I'll be anchored out in CT this weekend at the J30 North American regatta. I'll have limited access to this site as I'll be connecting on a GPRS, so apologies if I'm late with responses. Have a good weekend. Ken
Ken, When are you headed south for FLIBS? Coming straight to Ft Laud or putting into Palm Beach for a few days? Check your IM. Capt Tom
We are back in West Palm Beach and have the boat hauled at Rybovich for a shave and a haircut before FLIBS. Good to be home.
Website Review My engineer's brother is a web designer so I asked him to build a website for us. After looking at some other yacht sites (thanks in no small part to Carl) this is what we came up with Any feedback (good or bad) would be appreciated. Thanks, Ken
Thanks Brandon. We ended up drifting around for a couple of hours waiting for our space to be available. Finally secured to the dock at 4PM and got electricity at 10PM
Hi, Your website is good, it is easy to navigate around and loads quickly. Just don't forget to update your crew profile as people come and go. There are a number of high profile yachts out there where the website info is well out of date.
Great website Ken, the only problem I am having is that I read Christy's section and now I am hungry!! I like the photos linked to the layout, nice touch.
Thanks for the advice. We rarely change crew on the Curt C. In the past year and a half I have only changed two crew. One was a deckhand whom I helped find a captain's position and the other was a stew who left with mutual consent. I appreciate the feedback!
Ken, Website looks great. Fabulous photos (clear, professional), the menu is making me drool, and the mouse-over on the layout with the accompanying photos is a nice touch. The feel of the website makes you feel like it's a fun yacht. Best of luck. See you at the show. Capt Tom
Hi, Ken, you are enjoying the benefit of having a small tight knit crew. The turnover seems to get faster the more bodies and egos one needs to satisfy. I liked the way you have described the whole crew interaction with the guests something that's always good for morale. Things tend to become a bit more departmentalised with very little if any interaction between some crew members and guests at all on larger boats.
Thanks. We keep the crew to 6 full time and we freelance 1 or 2 for charters and owners' use. We are generally lucky enough to be able to use the same freelance crew most of the time. Castlerock sent me a PM when he noticed that Jennifer is listed as a crew member on this thread and not listed on the crew profile. I decided it would be best not to include the temps on the profile because we can't guarantee their availability. Also not included is Chris, who is pictured driving the Protector in all the arials. Keep the comments coming. Ken
Ken, I noticed in the photo of you and the crew on deck waving that the yacht is still making way. Was it on autopilot or was one of the temps piloting (just an observation)? And will we be able to sample some of those great dishes when we visit at the show? LoL Capt Tom
The galley is CLOSED for the show. Too much stainless to keep clean while trying to show the boat. Is there something wrong with just leaving the helm to get a picture taken? Actually, most of the "actors" who were helping us out were crew from other boats. When we did the crew shot I had a friend at the helm. I think he was stoked too because the biggest boat he had driven prior to that was a 70' sailboat.
The Palm Beach Post has a pic of Curt-C online this morning...
Here's another shot of Ken's yacht at the Palm Beach Boat Show, taken from the crow's nest on board the Calixas 105.