My new recommendation is to clear through Chub. Airport and club "membership" hassle aside, the airport team is genuinely friendly and easy going. Splits the difference in travel quite nicely. Easy run to Exuma from there...we left in the afternoon from Ft Pierce Inlet and ran to Isaac through the night, arrived for coffee... Still need to click2clear
I used to clear at Cat Cay which was great since we could cross late afternoon or evening, anchor off then clear first thing in the morning. Usually in and out in 20 minutes. Then it was a Straight shot to the exumas. We could get there before sunset on plane or by midnight at hull speed. but now they charge $500 just to clear. clearing at chub takes forever… even just checking at the marina took 30 minutes this time. Then had to wait 20 minutes to get a ride to customs… the staff is very slow even by Bahamian standards. But the real problem is that the trip now takes an extra day… I may go back to clearing at Cat for $500 or may try Morgan’s bluff again. Even at hull speed we can leave Miami in the morning, anchor there overnight, dinghy in to clear in the morning and make the exumas by the next afternoon
Agreed on Chub speed. Very slow, but I'm happy to spend the day and leave at next coffee, especially after the overnight run. Worked well to Kamalame. Worked well to Exuma. Worked well coming back from Briland so that I could make a retrieval. Sort of added a bit of relaxed comfort to the routine. Otherwise, just 24 hours to Briland and clear there...
Geez, That is a lot of work and expense.. Been a while, We used to come in from Ft Peirce, Make Great Sail and anchor that night. Head to Spanish, clear their, stay for lunch and make for a nice anchorage anywhere that night. Usually never stopping at a dock again. I'm sorry the Abacos were bombed from that "cane" a few years ago. They still have not recovered well. By my reading, seems politics has been involved and hence the delays. If I have to pay BUCKS to tie on a dock to clear customs, I'll just keep the Q flag up and never make land fall....
Why would you pay .70/kWh for power? isn’t it cheaper to just run your gen when power is that expensive? And at $7/ft/day I supposed most people anchor? At $7/ft it would cost me the same there for one week as I pay for an entire year. I thought about shipping my boat over and cruising Bahamas and Exumas at some point but maybe I need to reconsider.
We spend about 95% of our time in the Bahamas on the hook but sometimes for various reasons we ll spend a night or two at a marina. If power is available, running a gen at the dock isn’t ideal because of noise. Now on some places like Staniel or compass where they don’t have either 480v or twin 3 phase we don’t have a choice. And anyway our 45KWs use about 70/75 a day oh and now Chub charges $100 a day fee if you run your gen
I know these lil islands have one or two of their own container sized gen-sets. It's not FPL and power expenses need some help,, but not to pay for it. THEN the cost of docking with the pretty path ways. Tourism money is to help them, not pay for it all. Abacos have to get it in gear soon or we will be doing the Tortugas again and more of west FL this year.
Many smaller island have gone green, like Chub and Highborne, installing solar farms. Not sure about Normans. solar ain’t cheap and with fuel costs as high as they remain here, the back up generators aren’t cheap either Most of the abacos have recovered by now, at least the infrastructure. Otherwise, the exumas are fantastic if you are self sufficient with gen and water maker.
The Abacos, all of the marinas for the most part are back to normal. WHY on earth did Normans cut off all of the pilings on a fixed dock? I wouldn't want to be there if the wind is really blowing. I wish Sampson Cay would re-open to the public. That was my favorite marina in the Exumas by a long shot. Running a generator isn't cheaper than $0.70 a KWH shorepower when you count the fuel, maintenance and then amortized replacement of the generator. I agree $0.70 a kwh is pricey though.
Samson was nice indeed… there is project brewing on Big Samson that would include a marina. Will probably take 15 years… Setting fenders is tricky at Normans. If attached to the boat they have to be adjusted every few hours. Tying them horizontal to the dock cleats is a little better but when pinned by the wind they catch under the rub rail. Silly setup
For us swamp people, is there a dock that we can clear with customs and not have to roll out da bux? Been dreaming of heading that way for years but I'm to old and poor to bend over at these fancy docks.
I guess Bimini would work on our approach angle. Been so long since I've been there, Just never thought about Bimini.
The Bimini of the old days is gone. No anchorage, dirty etc. not even worth an overnight stop. That said dockage at some of the older marinas is cheap. from up north, great Harbor Cay in the Berrys is a great stop. The marina is reasonable and the island worth a few days. Well protected too. From there it s an easy run to the exumas. I be cleared at Andros Morgan’s Bluff a couple of times. Just anchor and dinghy to the government dock and customs will come from the airport. Probably going to do that next trip instead of chub
Ralph- where would you be departing from? They have Customs at Grand Cay, which is an easy run from Fort Pierce.
Making the Abacos from Ft Peirce, We make a straight line to Great Sail the first night and clear at Spanish the next day. I'm still concerned about the Acacos after that storm. I remember Rosies from 25 years ago running thru in my buds outboard. Anchored out next to Strangers one calm night in our Bert about 10 years ago. Pretty area. Hope they did well in that storm. Always wanted to return to lower Eleuthera. Not been there since 2 weeks after Andrew. May bob around west of there To Andros. Norman's Cay rite in between. For fuel of emergencies, Don't think I can afford a hand-shake around there.
Has anybody used the Click2Clear option yet?
Yea quite a few times. It’s not really an option… it is mandatory! it s a pita to use although by now I pretty much got it. The key is to make sure you write down or screen shot the rotation number assigned when you start and to remember the **** thing along with you registration number is case sensitive if you ever leave the system by mistake you have to use the rotation and registration (or documentation) number to get back in
Also have a copy of each passport with address written on the page, and boats registration and everything right in front of you, because if you linger too long it will kick you out.