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News on Lazzara?

Discussion in 'Lazzara Yacht' started by YachtForums, May 8, 2012.

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  1. amgscrap

    amgscrap Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    boca raton
    I came across your statement that Lazzara yachts "shutdown operations". I ordered a new 64 LSX in March. The yacht is currently under construction in Tampa. I visited the factory yesterday and it was humming. It has never been shutdown. My 64 will be one of their top sellers better then any 64's on the market. They are also starting construction of a 90 footer. The boat building business is tough enough without false statements being made. As the publisher you should check your sources. Now you need to correct your post and correct the wrong you have caused to Lazzara. They are a class operation that builds the best boats in the industry and a widely distributed correction is in order.
  2. kkreicker1

    kkreicker1 Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2011
    Naples, FL or Saugatuck, MI
    The whole point to these Forums is to chat about our love of boating. A person simply asked a question and several people had answers or additional questions. Lets not get into "work" mode here on a fun and interesting forum.

    I am really glad however to here that Lazzara Yachts are still in operation. They do put out a good boat.

    Cheers, from Saugatuck

  3. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Really? Where exactly is the false statement in this thread?

    All I see is a comment about a rumour and a question...

    There is no statement of fact there. You seem awfully jumpy, and more than a little defensive there amgscrap... :rolleyes:

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto

    Well said.
  5. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    Having read this post a few weeks ago, and finding myself in Tampa on other business on Friday, July 13, I contacted Lazzara Yachts and was able to get a meeting with Brad Lazzara. I asked him straight up if Lazzara was out of business, and after a chuckle he said "No". It's not the same bustling yard of yesteryear, but how many here in the US are these days?

    After some discussion, Brad gave me a tour of the sheds, where I did see amgscrap's hull in production. In fact, several workers were getting ready to paint the engine room. Another hull will soon be started, a 95-footer, and the mock-up is just about to begin. Most workers were just shutting down for the day (early quitting time on Fridays) so the yard was quiet sans the thunder from a local storm.

    Brad did say that Lazzara has moved from a spec builder to build-on-order company, as many builders have done due to the economic conditions. Banks aren't giving up money on spec any longer and this along with other factors has created a paradigm shift in how builders will run their businesses going forward. Some builders have ceased operations due to a decrease in orders (i.e Luhrs, Silverton, Mainship group), with the hopes that they will come back one day. But that day will only happen when buyers come back and the demand once again exceeds the current inventory. Lazzara does have a new project in the works, and Brad said he will send me information that I can share with YF. Hope to see that soon.
  6. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I forgot to follow up on this thread. Frankly, I didn't find amgscrap's comment worthy of a response. Clearly, he knows nothing of the work we've done for Lazzara over the years. My review of the first LSX resulted in multiple contracts for the company inside of a few days. And YF is one of the only medias that has provided any coverage for them in recent years.

    As an attorney, I would expect no less from you than to manipulate my statement into an untruth. Might be best for you to get your facts straight and get your arrogance in check.

    Lets be honest here, shall we? Obviously, you are calling for a retraction of a statement I never made, because you fear it will devalue your investment. So let's make some corrections...

    First, they are not the best boats in industry, but they are a fine boat none-the-less. Second, a class operation stands behind their product with warranty, service and support. That is yet to be seen at this stage. Third, I haven't wronged Lazzara, but it would be wrong to tell our readers any less than the truth. As an attorney, I'm sure that's a concept that's hard for you to grasp.
  7. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va

    Thanks for the update. I noticed that Lazzara has two 64 foot models, a flying bridge and an express cruiser. I'm just guessing, but based on the Lazzara blog about an LSX64, that appears to be amgscrap's yacht. The express cruiser has a link to its own website. Is this the new project Brad was referring to? Also were they working on an LSX92 or is a 95 footer a new model?

    One other note is that Skyfall, an LMC76 will be powered by two ZF 4000 pod systems and 1200 hp MAN engines in lieu of the triple Cummins 600 hp Zeus pod systems.
  8. amgscrap

    amgscrap Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    boca raton
    When I first posted a response to the Lazzara rumor I had never heard or read any of the threads on your site. Over the past week or so I have visited the site and read quite a few threads. I must say many are insightful from knowledgeable people. The site is a good tool for all boaters. I am a relatively new boater. I have been boating for approximately seven years. In that time I have purchased five new boats. The first three were Italian and my current is a Sunseeker. The last three I had built to spec. I do purchase a new boat every year and a half to two years. It is my one and only addiction. I love new boats. The past three boats I took possession in Europe and cruised the Med each summer. I do want to clarify and respond to the subsequent postings to mine. Yes, I am an attorney by training, although I have not practiced for over twenty five years. I assume you spoke to Lazzara and they informed you of my training. I am and have been a CEO of a multinational company for many years. Before signing a contract to buy a boat, or putting down a deposit, I do conduct due diligence on the boat builder. I did do it for Lazzara and I am continuing throughout the build. They have no Judgments against them and no pending litigations. It was mentioned in one of the threads that they owed someone over $500,000 and were delinquent. If that were so I would expect to see a judgment, lien filed, or at a minimum a pending litigation. I have seen none. Thus, the statement is not credible. It was also stated in another response that I am trying to protect my investment from being “devalued”. A boat is not an investment. It is an expense, a luxury, a toy. The only concern I have is the enjoyment of my “toy”. The next statement questions whether Lazzara will honor their warranty. Obviously the boat has not yet been delivered so I can only speculate, but have every indication from their reputation and speaking to current owners that they will. I must say that the same has not been true of the previous or current boat I own. I did get involved in litigation with an Italian boat builder over their warranty. I would advise all to understand that every warranty contains a venue clause. Meaning that they can only be sued in their home country or State. Even though I never received a copy of the venue clause my case was dismissed by a Florida Federal Court. I have offices in Italy and they settled just before I was about to start legal proceedings there. My Sunseeker warranty has also not been fully honored. When I had difficulty in the Med I was told to bring the boat back to the UK or to Florida for repairs. I had the boat repaired in the Med and have not received back about $10,000 to this day. Thus it is more than the credit worthiness of a company whether a warranty will be honored. Lazzara is in Florida and I believe I will have a better experience. I first visited Lazzara in January and since the order in March have spoken to Dick Lazzara many times a week. I find this build to be a very positive experience. I have visited the factory about five times and they have over twenty people working on my boat. They also are building a 95 and about to start production on another boat. Every time I see Dick he is in his work clothes on the factory floor sweating the details. They have a fulltime interior designer in house which has allowed us to totally customize our boat. I will be sea trialing the boat this coming Friday. I am allowing them to display my boat at the Fort Lauderdale boat show. There was another thread questioning who would buy a carbon craft tender for over a $100,000. Well that person is me. It will fit in the garage of my Lazzara. No, it did not cost $100,000. These are difficult times for the boat building industry. I know of no builder who is not struggling. I find the Lazzara’s to be good hard working people. It was stated you heard they shut down operations. All it would have taken is a phone call to verify or disprove. I do enjoy your site and hope you will take this post in the positive manner it is intended
  9. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    80 Sunseeker bought in the Med. by an american owner, fully European equipped, brought back to Florida and repaired under warranty to the tune of $76,000.

    105 Sunseeker bought in the Med. by a Central American owner, repaired under warranty in Florida for over $300,000

    50 Sunseeker bought in Florida by an American / Greek owner repaired fully under warranty in Greece.

    Sunseeker sued in Federal Court in Florida, case went ahead and they won.

    Sorry to hear about your problems and good luck with the Lazzara, sometimes the way you approach builders or their dealers can result in all items being taken care of without the threat of litigation but as soon as law suits are being mentioned obviously the builder is going to take a step back and look at every way to get out of any legal action.

    Yes it is difficult times not just in the marine business however there are plenty of builders who, although they have cut back drastically, are far from struggling.


    80 Lazzara with a 15 foot by 3 foot area of underwater hull area delamination repaired under warranty by the factory but only after 3 haul-outs and two surveyors agreed with the original surveyor. Deal on, deal off, deal on but thankfully they did finally repair it without the threat of litigation.


    Maybe you could post a "widely distributed correction" concerning both the Sunseeker and the "Italian boat builder" and Lazzara's being the "best in the industry", of course they are or you would not have spent your money on your new boat just make sure the new boat comes with a spare set of window seals and a few other spares that you may find helpful in about a years time.
  10. amgscrap

    amgscrap Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    boca raton
    The U.S. dealer/ distributor for the Italian boat went bust. The Italian boat builder no longer had any presence in the U.S. I engaged in about a year of letter writing with the only response being we are no longer in the U.S. so bring the boat to Italy and we will look at it.

    I am a lawyer and now run a billion dollar company. I have been to the rodeo many times. Litigation should always be a case of last resort.

    In the Sunseeker litigation you are referring, Sunseeker at the time owned the distributor/dealer in Fort Lauderdale. Hence, they could be sued in Florida. Since that time they have divested their dealership and the venue for all warranty claims is now the UK. They do have a reputable dealership in Florida who does perform warranty work for Sunseeker.

    Looking at the model Sunseekers you list, they have not been manufactured in years. . You might not be aware that around two years ago or so the founder and owner of Sunseeker lost control to the banks. The banks appointed a partner from a large accounting firm to run the operations. Prior to that time the founder/owner had developed a fabulous reputation for not only honoring warranties but going beyond the warranty coverage. It appears to have changed when control was changed. Thus the boats you refer to were handled in a different time period under a different management. Sunseeker was sold about a year ago to an Irish investment company.

    Sunseeker produces a great boat and hopefully their warranty claims are now handled differently. The Florida dealership provides great service. I truly enjoy my current Sunseeker.

    Boats are complicated pieces of equipment with many systems operating in a harsh environment. I expect things to break or go wrong. I also know that it may take several attempts to both diagnose and repair the problem. I just expect, after putting down several million dollars that it will be repaired without question in a reasonable timeframe.

    I truly don’t understand your PPS unless it is your form of humor. What I stated about the Italian boat and Sunseeker are FACTS that have happened to me. Not gossip discussed at the bar.
  11. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    When I posted my PPS it was in responce to the following that you yourself wrote and I am copying here.

    "The boat building business is tough enough without false statements being made. As the publisher you should check your sources. Now you need to correct your post and correct the wrong you have caused to Lazzara. They are a class operation that builds the best boats in the industry and a widely distributed correction is in order."

    I am not a lawyer and I do not run a billion dollar company but after 42 years in the marine business I do know a little about boats, like you say, it is certainly not my first rodeo.

    Dick and his family are great people and Lazzara's are far from the worst boat out there just as they are far from being the best. If you like the style, custom interior, performance etc it will be the best boat in the industry in your eyes and as I said I hope you have great luck with it and have many enjoyable days spent on her.

    When I read your post about Sunseeker it seemed to me that you were upset with them and more so because they had not repaid you and I can understand that but in that original post you did not make any mention of the very good service provided by the reputable dealer here in Florida nor the fact that you really enjoy your present Sunseeker.

    Yes, the boats I mentioned were built a few years ago but I am still very much involved in seeing that owners warranty claims are met, not just on them but on many kinds of vessels and my point was if the correct approach is taken builders will take care of the issues.

    Five boats in seven years is what we in the yacht business love to hear not stories of you having to sue a builder or you are not happy with another one.

    Two issues with two different builders out of five boats is not a good batting average and we hate to see that but sometimes the problem is possibly elsewhere.

    As for my sense of humor, I am indeed off to the bar to talk about Lazzara's being the best in the business.


    Are Princess Yachts in England struggling and that fairly new yard that Westport has looked pretty busy to me and I would hate to hear that they too are struggling.


    Have the Chinese pulled their money out of Ferretti Group as they are always struggling and I will swing around by Merritts to make sure they are still in business. ;)
  12. amgscrap

    amgscrap Member

    Jul 10, 2012
    boca raton
    Every has their favorite type of boat (express cruiser, sport fisher etc.).
    Most have their favorite builder. I spent many an hour at the docks with fellow boaters - each arguing the merits and issues with various brands. I can afford to buy any make I desire. I chose Lazarra. That is why there are various brands.

    You mentioned Princess. It is a great boat. It is owned by LVMH the company that owns Louis Vuitton and dozens of other famous brands. I don't think they will ever be wanting for money.

    Sunseeker provides a two year warranty on the items they manufacturer and a five year warranty on the hull. I don't believe any of the boats you mentioned were produced in the last five years. Obviously, if they were in the five year warranty you had hull problems - far more serious then I had. Mine were all within the two year warranty.

    I don't believe it proper for anybody, including you to say they heard "Lazzara shut down operations" A simple phone call would have been in order. It is called common decency. It would do no good to look up the word in the dictionary. If one does not understand the meaning they are lost.

    If you have anything meaningful to say I will respond. If it is more of your bar room banter then don't expect a reply.

    I always always enjoy discussing boats. I do respect different opinions. Choice is the spice of life. I don't drink, thus I don't enjoy bar room talk or someone who believes there opinion is correct and everyone else wrong
  13. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    Bar room


    You are a boat owner and I am glad for you, I am a professional in the marine business and have been for 42 years which I told you, yes you are welcome to your own opinion but do not think for one minute that I form mine from sitting in a bar.

    Look closely at the posts and you will see I NEVER said that Lazzara was shut down.

    In one of your posts you tell everybody that " I know of no builder who is not struggling." and yet you now write about Princess being owned by LVMH and " I don't think they will ever be wanting for money"

    Which is it, LVMH struggling or no builder not struggling.

    You mention being right or wrong, well were you right or wrong about the "you know of no builder who is not struggling"

    Telling us you run a billion dollar company is gaining you what, respect or is it common decency to tell us all that you can "buy any make you desire".

    I mentioned that 80 Lazzara and you mentioned dictionary's, try POS "It would do no good to look up the word in the dictionary. If one does not understand the meaning they are lost."

    Read a few more posts and you will find that there are plenty of others on here who really can buy whatever they want but do not claim there choice is the best in the industry.

    Your 64 Lazzara is most definately the best 64 Lazzara ever built this year and as I said I hope you really enjoy it. :cool:
  14. SHAZAM

    SHAZAM Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    The Ghetto
    Congratulations on your success as a CEO of a billion dollar company and your training as an attorney.

    As anyone with a modicum of common sense would.

    During your tenure as an attorney, did you have occasion to visit a website called

    Pacer is your friend.

    Once again, Pacer is your friend.

    Revisit that statement after doing a little more due diligence and get back to us.

    Lazzara makes a great product, as someone mentioned, far from the worst and far from the best but a good solid product nonetheless. While some of us on this forum aren't "CEO's of multi national billion dollar companies" we are people involved in the trade that know far more about these matters than it may seem. Some of us even have intimate knowledge of the behind the scenes relationships between companies and their vendors and/or subcontractors, so you may want to think twice before discounting posts made by veteran members of this forum.

    It's a terrible time to be in the boat building business (at least from my standpoint), while most have disappeared there are few that are still moving forward under these trying economic conditions. The Lazzara family have a long illustrious history in this business and have proven to be resilient to economic downturns in the past, I'm sure all of us here hope that they'll work through this downturn and continue their yacht building legacy.

    Best of luck to you on your new build.