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News: Horizon Yachts Reveals FD77 Skyline Model

Discussion in 'Horizon News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Aug 30, 2018.

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  1. Horizon Yachts FD77 Skyline Model Unveiled
    Taiwanese yard Horizon Yachts has unveiled another model in the form of the latest FastDisplacement line member. The FD77 Skyline now joins the ever-growing FD lineup with a design from the usual Cor D Rover. The FD line features the FD77 Skyline at the entry level along with the FD85, FD87 Skyline, FD102 and FD125. Horizon says it is full steam with the new member of the FD series with three starting construction already that will satisfy the niches for the American, European and Australian markets.
  2. Onboard the FD77 will be available with a closed or open flybridge, that choice is up to the owner. The accommodation however, will remain suited for eight guests. That means four cabins, two VIPs, a twin and a full-beam master suite all with ensuite bathrooms. The interior is expected to be fresh, clean with modern lines. Here we can see a render of the salon.
  3. Below is a depiction of the full-beam master suite that is on offer. Clean and uncluttered lines present the owner with a light an airy experience without sacrificing the luxury trappings. Large side glazing allows great views when the blinds are drawn as well as naturally lighting the room during day light hours. There is a skylight in the roof as well. With a pair of CAT C18As onboard, each harnessing 1,136 horsepower travel onboard will be a breeze.

    For more information:

    Horizon Yachts
    8 Kuang Yang Street
    Hsiao Kang, Kaosiung

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