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News: Horizon Sells CC115 To Mexican Client

Discussion in 'Horizon News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. Horizon Sells CC115 To Mexican Customer
    Taiwanese base company Horizon Yachts has sold a CC115 to a customer from Mexico. The customer wants a yacht that is custom-tailored to his needs and his large family. To have the features the owner wants, they are working closely with the Horizon shipyard and designer Cor D Rover. Ideas for features that have been floated by the owner include a family theater area on the foredeck, a Hi-Lo swim platform at the back for a sea plane, and other specialized designs.
  2. “We are very pleased these new owners selected Horizon to build their customized superyacht,” said Horizon Yachts CEO John Lu. “It is a great testament to our strength and capabilities as a luxury yacht manufacturer, and it is exciting to partner again with Cor on this project. His expertise as a super yacht designer, combined with the unique visions of this experienced owner and our proven build quality ensure this new Horizon CC115 will be nothing short of magnificent.” The yacht is anticipated to be delivered to the owners in 2018.

    For more information:

    Horizon Yachts
    8 Kuang Yang Street
    Hsiao Kang, Kaosiung

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