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new to the club/58' riviera my

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by seagenieII, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. Rob Waldrop

    Rob Waldrop Guest

    My wife and I are looking for a liveaboard in the 48-60 foot range and recently looked at a 58' ChrisCraft Rivera Roamer in Beaufort, NC. It's a great boat for someone looking for a project - We're not. It's got a LOT of rotten wood in the sundeck enclosure, and the flying bridge needs a complete overhaul. There's also a mystery leak in the forward guest stateroom. We really thought we'd found the boat for us until we went back on a Saturday after a heavy rainstorm and walked through it again. For someone with money and time, this would be a really great liveaboard. From what I've seen in this thread, I am not the only one that loves these boats and I'm genuinely sad it didn't work out.

  2. CanKiwi

    CanKiwi New Member

    Jul 27, 2019
    LOL. "Cosmetic wood work" is what it says, but when you can see it in the photos, it's a bit more than cosmetic. There's always a reason for the low ask. And thanks, you saved me a trip - I've been looking for a liveaboard myself, saw this one and was thinking about heading south to look, but I don't want a project on that scale either. Good luck looking.
  3. CanKiwi

    CanKiwi New Member

    Jul 27, 2019
    Well, it seems like someone bought Sea Genie (Daredevel) with the intention of restoring her. Video clip posted January 2019.

    There was a brief reddit thread too.