I had to stay with Aqua Air because their 4 ton unit is smaller than others. The chiller units are in a corner outboard of port engine and would have issues with the er vents and batteries trying to fit a larger unit in the same space. Roomy er except where the chillers are, worst place they could be located.
Understand completely, replacements more than likely the same footprint securing, plumbing & electrical so its the easiest path for sure. Aqua Air makes a decent system and their large capacity fully custom systems are nothing to sneeze at but on their bread and butter chiller systems they need to turn the corner and correct the use of capillary tubes in lieu of adjustable expansion valves and then bring their controls up to modern technology and not just a pretty color LCD control screen with the substandard sensors. I'm told that D. Nall's subsidiary large trailer business is going very well so maybe that's what's happened to the Aqua Air side of the business.
Small world. DeWayne & I chased some of the same skirts back in the day. Glad to hear his trailer biz is doing well. He took it over from a forgetful character who started Broward Trailer.