My God, does Reverie look high or what? She would look high with one deck less already, bu as she is it's almost completely out of any aestetic or tech canons. But this 777, she's not bad at all. Not revolutionary, but correctly proportioned, yes mam.
A new photo of 777 on the Nobiskrug website:
It amazes me how graceful these large yachts can be. If you compare the wake from Pelorus to the wake of the small cruiser in this pic. I am sure the cruiser is traveling much faster but even to the stern of Pelorus, you see no prop wash.
I have always wondered about that myself. I am really cruious to see how she will behave in rougher seas or with strong side winds.
Triple Seven If you goto and click on downloads you will find some pdf files that have pictures of this boats exterior and interior.