I have fired the mechanic. He is going to finish only what I hired him to do in the first place now, which was to change the transmission seal, clutch, and a new turbo. He is saying the whole engine needs to be cleaned and he said that he would not use rebuilt heads and I was not to tell him what parts he could or could not use. Since I am the one paying, I said I could specify the parts and was not going to pay $6000 more for new heads, when I could not even find where they build new heads online for sale, besides it being an old engine anyway. The engine is apart right now with the transmission lifted out and in the salon. I really hope he does what he is suppose to correctly since he is to leave everything else alone now, as I am going to hire someone else to take care of the cylinder heads and other turbo and what ever else needs to be done on it at this point. The conversation was not pleasant needless to say. I am trying to find another mechanic right away and am going to try and get down there right away too. I am going to take it to Cracker Boy in Ft. Pierce to get it hauled out and the bottom done. I plan on having the rest of everything done while I am there on the hard including the fuel tanks cleaned out. I have been really frustrated as I have had 4 different things done and paid a lot for them and yet finding out that they were not done (electrical, bilge pumps, etc). I still only hope that I can get everything done, even if I have to bring her up not fully complete and get her here by May 1st. I am just going to try to get the engine fixed now and if need be only use ice chest etc. for the trip up, as the generator does not work either. I will need to hopefully make the trip within the 2 week time frame as planned from start to finish.
I have a question, can someone change the cylinder heads without it being lifted up. Right now the engine is lifted up but the mechanic I fired is suppose to put the engine back together except for the cylinder heads. Can those be changed without a lift up or am I going to have to have someone do all of that again and be charged thousands once more for it?
Sherrie...I'm trying to say this politely, but you've been given advice and not even given a courteous response to it saying you don't need that. However, clearly you now show you're going to ignore that advice and proceed on your own with no one locally managing the project or representing you. You're going to move the boat, although I'm not sure how, to another DIY marina and find another mechanic, who may or may not be certified and may or may not be good, and who is willing to follow your instructions fully. You write, "I have been really frustrated as I have had 4 different things done and paid a lot for them and yet finding out that they were not done (electrical, bilge pumps, etc)." Yet, you're going to continue doing things the same way thinking next time the results will be different. Yes, you're likely to be charged thousands again and likely to have very similar results. I feel for you, but you're not listening and you're proceeding your way. I don't know any way to advise or assist you at this point. I wish you the best of luck, but am not at all optimistic in you having it.
I have hired 2 different people to oversee it, one ended up not doing anything or getting people there for a month. I hired someone else 2 weeks ago who ended up charging me $406 for a couple of hours on the boat to "see what is happening and handle the important things." We had an agreement of $150 per day, yet he ended up adding on all types of expenses including his lunch so the couple of hours of his time was billed to me for the $406. So I have tried hiring people. Now, I have hired someone else who I sincerely hope will get things handled who is down there. Believe me, I understand someone needs to be hired locally and have tried doing that and it has been people highly recommended by others. Yet it seems they are taking advantage of the situation also.
You hire someone for $150 per day and they aren't going to be good. Recommendations were made to you both publicly and privately. I really don't think you have the cost of owning a boat in perspective yet. I can't judge the $406 as I don't know what the expenses were or what your arrangement was. If you've hired someone else then why are you not asking them the question you just asked us? You seem to think everyone is taking advantage of you. Well, those I use would do the job right, would not take short cuts designed to save money but jeopardizing the job. Hopefully this one works out for you, but if you're paying less than $300 per day for their services that would be a very bad sign. There are some excellent shipyards all around you who have certified mechanics and do excellent work and stand behind their work. The mechanic you find to go work on your boat at Cracker Boy is a contractor and may be excellent or not. Good luck.
From my experience so far... it seems, yes a few people have taken advantage of the situation. And when I hire someone and we work out a price then I don't expect a lot of other expenses being added on that were not disclosed in the beginning as being part of the price. I don't know about you, but once someone gives me a price of something and there is an agreement, that is what I expect the price to be. I don't take kindly to that price being more than double than what was agreed upon in the first place. Thank you for your good luck, I am now hopeful that things will start getting done and everything worked out on a fair basis for all.
I didn't go back and re read every post but I'm pretty sure no one recommended getting in a fight with your mechanic, firing him, and then having him continue to work on the job. Best of luck going forward.
I wouldn't fire a mechanic and have him finish the job,ever. You are only asking for trouble. At this point I wouldn't trust a single thing he's doing going foward. It also sounds like the people you're hiring to oversee it don't know what they're doing either. I agree with everyone else and everyone here has given very solid advice, yet you seem to ignore it. You get exactly what you pay for in this industry, and a lot of times even less than that. Trying to save a penny will cost you a pound, everytime. My best advice to you would be to spend the money to hire a D.D. factory authorized service center to fix everything. Pricey yes, but at least you will get it fixed right, not need their work babysat and get what you pay for. The other problem is your trying to rush everything, but going about it all backwards.
Post a whole lot of pictures here on YF. Get your mechanic to take them, general ones & especially close-ups of the damage parts or areas. Have him describe all the damage in point by point detail ,each backed up by a photo. Oh, then and ask him to sign that assessment.
You should be able to replace a cylinder head with the motor in it's normal position. You only need to raise the motor up if you are dropping the sump (oil pan) and need to get to main or rod bearings. I replaced a piston, liner and all main and rod bearings thus the need to raise the engine. However, as others' have recommended, I wouldn't have the same guy you just fired put things back together. What kind of job do you think you're going to get? It will cost a few hours of labor for a new machanic to get up to speed but well worth it in my opinion. Otherwise you might as well start all over again.
If you don't get a certified DD mechanic from a certified DD dealer, you are at risk, it's up to you to decide how much risk you wish to take. Penny wise, pound foolish and it looks like you have been that route.