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New Club rules at Chubb coming June 1, 2023

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by motoryachtlover, May 24, 2023.

  1. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    That’s a Bahamas thing. Somehow th et can never figure out who s going where until the last minute. And then they usually send you into a slip where someone tied a tender and they have to hunt the offending captain. It almost always happens at Staniel but I ve seen it Atlantis and others.

    One of the last stops at Chub, I booked a flight 120’ slip, told the dockmaster on the radio that I had booked a 120’ slip but he put us in a 140 and then wanted to charge us for 140! Clueless.
  2. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I haven't had that issue at other marinas. Typically I can call them 12 to 24 hours ahead of arrival and know, or even 30 minutes out by VHF and be advised. For me it's been rare to enter a basin with no earthly idea as to where they want me to tie.

    Well, edit that. I went into Cape Eleuthera and never even saw or met a marina attendant. I had booked and prepaid, and upon entry I couldn't raise anyone or wave to I tied on the face dock adjacent to the fuel dock in a gap between two sports, following some direction delivered by one of the captains.

    Anchoring is so much less hassle...
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    For us, the preferred plan.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    not in the Bahamas…. Once the staff ar Bimini Bay made me wait 10 or 15 minutes in the basin, marina was 80% empty, and then sent me into a slip which I told them was too narrow. They insisted it was wide enough so I backed in against the piling to show them it was too narrow… then they sent me into the one slip with a broken piling amidship.

    Tis da bahama mon…

    and I usually tell them on the radio that we don’t need help with lines… just tell me where to go! Yeah Mon, hold on.

    so far the one marina which i be found to be professionally run is Bay Street Marina.
  5. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I was pretty pleased with the Briland Club facility and staff. I actually phoned them from Current on my way up into Spanish, and they provided me with a slip assignment on the call.
  6. tbaxl

    tbaxl Member

    Jun 18, 2020
    Gulf Coast
    I was two weeks ago, mighty quite. About all I can offer up is good luck to them.
  7. zen

    zen Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Delray Beach
    Bump - any update on this nearly 2 weeks in? Late May, their website said booking was down and to call for availability. Now it's somewhat back to normal.
  8. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I got this from another forum. If correct it helps clarify the situation a little. Why Chubb has made this so complex I have no idea.

    Originally Posted by shurhold
    I have traveled to Chub for over 40 years. Like most people, I do not do well with change. There appear to be big changes at Chub, and not clear enough information on the website about what and how visiting now works. I reached out to the staff at Chub, and through a series of several very nice email exchanges, I got a full breakdown to share with everyone.

    Read through this post, and by the end, you should be able to book a stay at Chub with full access to all member areas and also take advantage of members' discounted rates without needing to buy a membership.

    Can I stop at Chub for Fuel, and is there a Landing Fee?

    "If you are just passing by Chub Cay and do not need to clear customs, there is no fee to refuel at the marina. You will only need to pay the current price of gasoline or diesel. The marina only sells fuel, ice, and fishing bait. I recommend calling the marina on channel 68 when you are five minutes away so they can let you know how many boats are ahead of you in line and give you any other instructions."

    "We only charge a landing fee of $100 if you are clearing customs at Chub Cay. If you stay with us, you will not pay a landing fee even if you need customs service. We have to pay for the customs officer, immigration officer, and police officer expenses for housing, electricity, water, internet, and meals. We supply transportation to and from the airport."

    How does the slip rental work? Do I need to be a member?

    No, you do not need to be a member to rent a slip. But if you are a member or RENT a MEMBERSHIP (IDOL) [see below question on this for more details] for the length of your stay the slips come a big discount.

    Slips can be reserved online based on length. Additionally, at check out, there is an option for Water and Power at discounted prepaid rates. The slip rental includes access to the Nauti Rooster, Posh Peacock/Marlin Market, Marina Wash House, Fish Cleaning House, and Fuel Dock; however, you do NOT have access to the Clubhouse Restaurant & Bar, Pool Deck, Tiki Bar, and surrounding areas, UNLESS you are or have rented a MEMBERSHIP (IDOL).

    How do I access the members' areas / main facilities (Clubhouse Restaurant & Bar, Pool Deck, Tiki Bar, and surrounding areas)?
    What is an IDOL?

    An IDOL is what they coined as the term for Membership. You can own or rent an IDOL. If you have possession of an IDOL during your stay then you have full access and discounts on many things, including slips and rooms.

    "You do not have to buy a membership but if you want to use the facilities you will have to rent one. They average about $40 a day. Think of it as a resort fee."

    "The rental is not per person. It includes a PLUS 1, and it also includes all children under 17. For example, if it was a couple and they had two minor children, then you need only one. If there were 4 adults, you would need two, as each adult can bring one guest."

    How do I rent a membership?
    You need to download the Chub Cay app from the app store on your phone. From there, create a free account (you need to provide a copy of your passport) and then select your dates. You will then be presented with many memberships to rent at different prices. This is because it is like a marketplace and demand-driven. But I was able to find plenty of options for about $40 a day.

    Key Takeaway / Summary:
    The discounts provided by renting the membership do cover the rental cost and are worth it. If you want to see the rates that members get, use promo code IDOL on the reservation page, which will show you.

    While I agree with many people that say this is more steps and more complicated and why I need another app in my life, once you fully understand how to book, it is not that bad. The discounts are great, and they are trying to create a better, bigger facility with members who can financially participate in the publics use of the facility.

    My one key comment to Chub would be they need a clear FAQ page to help people better understand what and how it now works.
    We spent the better part of last week at Chub and this explanation is spot-on. It was a little confusing for us, but the staff helped us figure it out. Discount on the slip was significant, although it still wasn't cheap. And, we were able to get Idols for as little as $28. The price of fuel (diesel) was less than we paid in Bimini. We also enjoyed a two-tank dive with Chub Cay Divers for about the same price as our dives in Bimini. Not an inexpensive stay, but the facilities were great and we felt very welcomed.
  9. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye, Chubb Cay, never boring there..
    On time we were anchored there and got a surprise wind shift, blowing strong from the West, several boats dragged anchor, including a 65' Hatt who dragged right
    up to the beach.
    We started dragging as well (Brand new to the boat,
    had not upgraded the anchor system yet, nor did we have a SSB radio for updated wx forecast.
    Ended up sitting anchor watch all night)

    Bad holding, like Honeymoon Harbor.

    Another time at Chubb a native conch fishing boat was so overloaded
    it sank in the middle of the inlet blocking all access except
    for dinghies while the fishermen dove to retrieve the catch
    and re-float the boat.
    Yet Another time we were anchored there, having a cocktail midafternoon, a couple in a rubber dink struggled to row East towards the entrance in a 15 -18 knot breeze.
    They were close to our hull so I flagged them down and offered a tow with our dink.
    Turned out they had just bought this 38' sailboat a few days before without any shake down cruise and without any prior sailing or boating experiences.
    Once at anchor in Chubb their head broke down and the wife yelled Take Me To Shore, Now.
    They made it after we towed them and their dink to the marina for a land-based toilet.
    The skipper had a grey beard, faded shorts, a faded t-shirt, he looked like a long term grizzled cruising sailor, or an old time sailing ship Captain, only the parrot on the shoulder was missing.
    Turns out he was a college professor from Colorado, never been on a boat before.:D

    Next day they tried to enter the marina to get a slip, but ran hard aground and got stuck next to the channel. We took the dink over and tried to help, but only the tide got them off.
    Another time in Chubb, also anchored and having cold drink in the cockpit a power boat came close to us and asked for directions to Florida...
    We did enjoy the marina and the restaurant several times however, easy fuel stop on the way to the Exumas.
    Not sure about the Idol Program, sounds hoaky to me..:rolleyes:
  10. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Anchoring off Chub is not a good spot. Not enough space and not enough protection from the surge wrapping around the point. Anchoring off Bird just to the east has better protection and a lot more room.

    I haven’t anchored in Honeymoon in years, it’s too small for us but the holding wasn’t bad. The problem is that since a storm cut open the west side of the beach, the current rips thru and you never know how you re going to lay. We usually anchor on the east side, plenty deep good holding and plenty of room
  11. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    We anchored in Honeymoon before and after the new cut, most of the time
    we were okay, but once we hit a bad spot and dragged onto a shallow, then the tide went down..Long story, but no damage except for the pride..
    We have also anchored East, and Southwest, yes, several alternate anchorages.