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Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by YachtForums, May 26, 2008.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I've moved this thread down to the YF Yacht Club...
  2. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Of course the timid approach would be to simply maintain a "recommended" list. With no discussion about those left off the list, or why they are off the list, or just who they actually are. With nothing bad said about YardX, then YardX has no case for libel. Though in fairness it would be appropriate to spell out the requirements for getting on the recommended list. And make it clear that the list is for exceptional service, not just business as usual.

  3. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I think that is oversimplifying. I envision a live document that would be ever-changing. It wouldn't just be a list of approved vendors as there are many nuances to getting work done on these boats.
    An example of this would be: Yard A is great for this type of work, but make sure you deal with Project Manager X for that one type of work and Carpenter Z for another.
    Sub contractor B is fantastic, but he has a waiting list of 4 months. If you can't wait, try calling Mr. H at Sub Contractor Q.

    I'm running out of letters so I'll shut up now.
  4. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    I think that you have a good idea, but I’m not sure that it applies to well in a forum environment which is based on individual opinions on a variety of subjects, and as documented with varied and strong points of view on just about anything.

    Hypothetically: Gee Ken, you said that this Carpenter was top notch, but he screwed up my galley and I’m in the process of suing him, and further more, I assume that you received a fee for referring this klutz onto me, so expect to be named party to the lawsuit.
    Now, not only is the Carpenter’s name “dirt” but also yours for recommending him.

    Maybe YF should have a “separate” trade-listing page where the Business does a small advertisement at a nominal fee.
    And if warranted a “star system” where that business and its practices can be rated through X stars out of 5 by people that actually have done business with the firm, but without expressing any comments.

    Also, when I post a picture of a "Charter yacht" on YF, outmywindow and YF is doing a free promo for that Boat, but I'm not recommending one Yacht over the other.
  5. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Back Up On The Soap Box

    One yacht owner, years ago, warned me against the dangers of letting lawyers and the fear of litigation steer your life. The wrath of a fellow member taking action against me is a risk I would be willing to take. I'd also be willing to take the risk of offering a poor recommendation. I'd do it for my friends.
    Now let me be clear- I'm not talking about offering feedback on someone whom I've had one small dealing with (this isn't EBay); There are many of us in this industry who are in a position to share valuable information. I'd also like to reap the reciprocal benefit of others' knowledge.

    I like where you are going with this, although I would avoid the paid advertising part (no offense to Carl's accountant). There are lots of small service businesses that I would recommend, but who couldn't (or wouldn't) afford advertising on the forum. This suggestion isn't to benefit the service provider, rather just the opposite- it's for the benefit of "US", the YF Members and contributors.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Actually that "paid advertiser" may be the key. This would allow a vendor to voluntarily be rated. A rogue wouldn't want to be part of it for obvious reasons so you could avoid bashing which is what would get you in trouble.
    Let me suggest though that I'd be hesitant to take a recommendation from people I don't know which is how an open yea-nay forum would end up, but after watching this forum for even a short while I can see where the brains are, in what fields, and who is blowing smoke. With that knowledge I would (and already have) gone PM to certain people because I don't want my info out there or them to put themselves on the line. In other words the medium already exists.
    As for Ken's position on not letting the fear of lawsuits stop you, I applaude you and you are absolutely right. I've been warned that I was leaving myself open to lawsuits in hundreds of ways my entire life (even in this forum). As a result I've developed a reputation as a can-do person. I'm proud of that and BTW I've never been sued. It requires prudence though. When you open something to the public you can't think in terms of what you know. You unfortunatley have to think in terms of what would the most stupid person in the world do with this which is why you end up with coffee containers with big warnings "contents may be hot" duh. This is definely a subject that deserves a lot of thought though. The world used to run on reputations, but everyone has become afraid to give them. Our loss. It would be good to find a way.