That's where they are when cold and engines off. When I checked them tonight, hot, and engines idling, they were still an inch or so over the full mark. Is this correct?
There are to many variables in guessing now on a non running level. Depending on oil coolers and other oil voids, checking in neutral , idle is the correct procedure. Over full and not sure of oil quality is a start for issues.
I'll check all these things in the morning. Thanks for all your inputs. I'll let you guys know what I find.
There are 2 filter kits from TD for the 514s. Some smart guy changed the casting from a paper gasket to an O ring seal (or O ring to paper) Same element just an O ring in one box and paper gasket in the other box. Have no idea why they don't put a gasket and O ring in one box with the element. To make it more silly, even with my serial number, the TD guy gave me the wrong kit and I had to make a couple of paper gaskets anyway. I'm still looking for that part number.
While I'm looking, download and save this PDF. Read thru the troubleshooting section.
Part # : FIL 1405 NAPA Gold Filters I'm about 99.1% on this. If there is not a paper gasket in the box, pick up a 12"x12" sheet of better black paper gasket material and punch a new one out. < 90% Td M2725 Donaldson P556001
Finally able to look at this tonight. Changed the oil this morning and found it to be overfilled by about a gallon. Also adjusted the lever. It went down another 1/8th". I was unable to pull the strainer. Even with my 20" cheater bar I couldn't get the nut to budge. It has so much paint on it it's glued on tight. End of day now and we are finally in St Simons Ga. Got to St Augustine and decided to just run the ocean. The problem gear worked fine all day. Maintain positive pressure of 225psi. Thanks for all the help guys.
Don't lean on that screen fitting until your home. Pending the filter autopsy, that screen will probably be o k anyway. a gallon over is not good. You used CF-2 oil like your mains? Your past Jax?
The gauges in the ER are all mechanical vs the bridge which are all electric. I trust the ER gauges more than the bridge.
Hey Ralph, yes used a cf-2 oil. We are back in SC now. I'll go back down to the boat in another week or so. Perhaps we can get together while I'm in St Simons. Jville is an easy drive.