The crew member does appear to be holding onto the main tow line as it pulls him into the water and the line around his leg does not appear to be tight at that point. But I don’t believe it was staged. To much to go wrong and why would the camera man be the one to undo the tow bridle line? You think they’d want a crew member to be the hero for the sake of the show story line. It does appear the boat is moving to fast and was in gear to long. As others have stated, I always let out a tow, either from the hip or after hook up, at very, very slow speed. The deck crew tells me how fast by saying something like, “in gear count of 2”, etc. Ideally I like to be able to see them either on a transom camera, which I can’t believe s boat like that doesn’t have, or even better, from a aft control station. The biggest boat I’ve towed as a tender is 43’. And knock on wood, in 20+ years of towing, I’ve never had an injury or lost a tow, (At least not for long. ) But no matter the size, towing can be very dangerous and demands practice, patience and good communication. Even then it can all go to **** real quick. And no tender is worth getting someone seriously hurt or killed over. In my opinion you have to be willing to lose the tow if it involves to much risk to the crew to save it. And that’s what I tell my bosses when we tow.
The mark on his leg does not look like from a rope when they showed the injury. It looks like from a surfboard leash
Unfortunate news out of West Palm Beach FL. Friday night. Below Deck bosun Ross Inia was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct and the definite big no no of battery on a law enforcement officer (felony) Reports state that Ross and Joao Franco were out on the town @Clematis singing Karaoke when things got out of hand. Good news is that Ross has bonded out of the pokey for $15,500 in time for Christmas. Now THATS the entertainment value that Ross nor Bravo was looking for! I wish him well in the coming weeks dealing with our judicial system as a foreign national and hope the outcome doesn't impact his career visa wise amongst other ramifications of a fun night out gone wrong.
Well, that fits right in with the drunken behavior we see every week on the show and, unfortunately, with the behavior seen by yacht crew of many ships on their few days off. On the show we've seen Ross go after Rhylee when drunk then get caught through a thin wall talking about her and we saw either very good acting or lack of character on the part of Joao over and over when he was on. An interesting discussion we've had before is based on the show which crew members, if any, would you consider hiring and the answer is always none or perhaps one here and there.