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My New Roamer

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by The Hedgehog, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    new roamer owner

    Just got back from my battery guy's store, he is able to supply me with Interstate 4 D batteries 8 vdc, 560ampsfor $100 ea, he also has tractor battery about half the size
    8 vdc 560 amp:rolleyes: s for $95.00 ... Any comment from those who might know. I have always been under the impression that electricity is magic, and have avoid it.
  2. Joe... check on the 8V195's which are probably the correct units. Smaller batteries wont handle the start load on the internal connections for very long! ws
  3. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Have 8 v 71's. instinct is to go with the 4 d's ..Next.. Replacement charger/inverter..
    has anyone have A SUGGESTION ON MAKE and MODEL for that unit??

    Still wondering about 12vdc for GPS, RADIO, DEPTH SOUNDER ETC. I guess a fall back short term is having individual step down units using s cig lighter correction.

    Thanx to all your valuable feedback.
  4. My Hatteras has a 32 vdc system with several step down converters for electronics etc. Noting the condition of the wiring when I bought the boat, I eliminated them and mounted an 8D 12 volt battery. The new heads are 12 volt as well. The battery is on an impromptu charger while on shore power only, and its a winter project coming up to mount a 12 volt 1 wire alternator to one of the mains. ws

    Attached Files:

  5. acellist

    acellist Member

    Oct 16, 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    12 volt 1 wire alternator

    yachtsmanbill, what is the length of your Hatteras?
    We have our batteries configured in two ranks of four 8V Dekas Port and Starboard of the 8V 71N DDs and two 12V batteries to handle the electronics. While our Kohler 7.5KW generator runs the charger for the 12VDC system, it has gone south for the Summer (along with most of the repairmen in the area) and that negates using the radar or any other heavy draw 12V item. What kind of one wire alternator would you recommend and how could I find instructions for such a setup?

    In the past someone had asked to see a picture of our 1968 46' Roamer Riviera underway... one of my former students took one on Friday last and here it is:

    Attached Files:

  6. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Nice picture!!! Just added it my desktop.. I am looking forward to have my 1969 46 underway soon. Hoping the existing battery charger is in working order. I have been searching the net for alternatives. For a new system and 12 vdc power source. Your comments have been valuable.

  7. The Hatts a 1974 58TC with 12-71Ns. Right now the 20kw wester***** generator is in the garage at home. It WAS where the batteries ARE now. Its gonna get re-installed in the cockpit this fall. Underway for right now the 32 vdc alts charge the system, but the 12 vdc part relies on a built in charger. I want to mount an alternator to the engine stringer and drive it off a spare pulley.
    I plan on using a one wire DelcoTron 100 amp unit. The one wire is battery hot all the time, and uses that voltage to excite the fields once about 1200 rpm is attained. It is self regulating after that. When it stops turning it goes to sleep. I am sure you can run a 32 vdc relay in the circuit to key it off as well. Ive run these on my 36 foot gas roamer for 15 years now with great success. I also run a fusible link (80A) for protection. A single 8D should supply the juice for a 7500 watt radar. ws
  8. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    That's cheap!

    What's the name of the battery store?

    Also, Outback inverter/chargers come in 32vdc configuration. That's what I would go with.
  9. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    BATTERY: "NEALS APPLIANCE AND TIRE" Killen. Al...Small store that sells big volume.

    I will check out OUTBACK .....

  10. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    In an effort to be prepared I have purchased a 32vdc charger, I really don't know if the one on board is functional, but in any event it is old and looks very worn. I have purchased a CHARLES series 9000 - ci 3230A, three bank from Charles it is a factory rebuild and come with a war. it was $532.50. I am hoping that the 30amp is ample for 8 ea 4d's.

    Appreciate input regarding this unit.

    Thanx -
  11. $532 Is cheap for the 9000, mine was about 800+ in '06. I bought that and 8 new batteries and the system is still performing perfectly as of this morning. Period. All you need to do is keep the batteries full of water and clean. Another period! Guys will bash you about the F-R type of chargers, but thems the ones that have the mechanics come down and change their fuel filters! The new charger and the old one(s) when I bought the boat as a recovery project! ws

    Attached Files:

  12. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Finished Survey

    Started last week.. 1969 46' Riv.: Eng, 8 v71's and Perkins have 850hrs. found a trip log for years back most trips were 50 miles, out of water for the last four Yrs. Several surface weld plates were applied ALONG THE UPPER CHINE from the stern to 6' forward and and coal tar bottom applied at that time. We performed new audio gage @ 60 locations using a 2 sq ft grid. Had the hull diagram for the audio gage from 4 yrs ago to use as a guide. Reading were pretty consistent 10 MM, found a small area on pin hole seepage about 6" x 6". Drilled four holes in the hull up from the keel 6" to check the integrity of the steel, appears to be sound. The surface plate fixes while not good looking probably are OK since the metal all around them is 10MM. Removed all old carpet, drapes, had mold removed and treated decreased eng room, and surface rust from bilge, worst was under the Master St RM deck aft of engs.. Batteries gone, need new Charger. Toe Rail gone. There were only 110 vac bilge pumps since the boat evidently was always dock side. Used on the average of 20 hrs/yr. There appears to be a 12vdc bus with with CB panel, but unable to get shore power to boat on this trip. Topsides are good, evidently it has been under cover most of it's life.

    All engs turn over, now must fix the hull, add shore power, put her in the water and check running gear.

    Happy so far......... SO I:

    BOUGHT her AS IS/WHERE IS now.

    Any comments, recommendations and/or advice is greatly appreciated.
  13. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    I INCORRECTLY POSTED HULL THICKNESS from pre survey inspection. Survey report @ 60 Ultra Sonic locations indicates hull thinkess to be 2.9 mm or 0.12" to 4.c mm or 0.16 ". Claims that is net steel thickness is x Coal Tar bottom.

    Took hits on not having normal safety stuff, that was removed to clean boat, need bildge, pumps, smoke det and carb dx. detectors , recommends replace of steel water tank that is not leaking to a plas. tank,and replace batteries.
  14. q240z

    q240z New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    "recommends replace of steel water tank that is not leaking to a plas. tank,"

    Sounds like typical surveyor BS. If there's no problem with the steel tank, why put it on the survey?

    A\ friend had his boat surveyed and the lady surveyor put all kinds of goofy recommendations in but only a few requirements. The insurance company told my buddy to do all recommendations AND requirements or he'd be limited to in-water port coverage. One of the recommendations was to install nav lights that comply with the modern standard. But the CFR is explicit in grandfathering in lights on classic boats built before the modern standard went into effect. It took a week of negotiation with the lady surveyor, including sending her the reference in the CFR, before she finally agreed to strike that one recommendation from the survey.

  15. JOE.B

    JOE.B New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    The surveyor is a GOOD guy, SAMS and certified with BOAT USA, He gave me some real easy "TO DO'S" like GFI PLUGS, and stuff I already have or need to do way. They have got to put down something, But 'SEA WORTHY' UNDER ON-GOING REPAIR IN THE YARD, WAS I WAS LOOKING FOR; and that is what I got.
  16. vladtsar111

    vladtsar111 New Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    maiami-Moscow (russia)
    chris craft 1973

    i gonna be in maiami around okt15. I want to visit Puerto Rico with a surve.
    Pls / give me your e-mail and phone #.

    Vlad Tsar
    skype vladtsar11