Rocker arms are installed and torqued How do you get the camshaft and crankshaft exactly where they need to be? With a very expensive alignment tool.
So it's a direct connection between the crank and cam in the pic from post #20. Maybe I'm looking for it to soon,where are the PTO gears? Remember, I'm a DDC guy. They use lots of gears for the cams, blower and PTO.
Jorge Your travels are interfering with our big MTU overhaul documentary. I'm looking forward to every picture and you leave town,,,, To Monaco this time??? Didn't even share pictures from there....
In my efforts not to disappoint Captain Ralph, I had a colleague take some photos while I was at Monaco. Here are the results of the build; Fuel Line assembly continues Prior to Turbochargers being installed Turbos Installed All dressed up and ready to go We also include free gift wrapping, however you need to supply the bow. I may have access to the engine installation at the vessel. If so, I'll continue the documentation. Anyone else has a project like this on their honey-do list?
I like that first pic in post#25. The tech working on the head gives a better ratio of how big this beast really is. Could you share some specs, displacement, HP, capacities, dimensions and weight?
The 16V4000 is now back on board. Prep work has started to get it into the engine room. Once all is ready, it will be lifted up, and the hatch you see under the support will be moved and the engine lowered into the bed. I'll be back there tomorrow for additional photos.
Finally remembered to ask some final questions; Did you kids run her at the shop? Dyno'd? How did it run after install? Any re-install / start-up problems we can learn from? Final specs and closing comments? ,Ralph
And, Big thank you for sharing your shops projects. We know your on to other venues and good luck there. ,Ralph
Thank you Ralph, It was a good run with them but they changed their business model and didn't need me. I now have a new home with a great company.