* continued * "Amadeus" the 2004 converted vessel with an design of Reymond Langton. In my opinion the best looking conversion ever done!
* "St. David" originally built as "Xanadu"by Benetti in 2008 she has changed owners twice since then. She is also the only Benetti designed by Andrew Winch.
*Once again close-ups from the sea side * I am not getting tired of these photos, I hope you are not as well.
* Now the floating pontons as seen from the water.. * I hope it is okay when I do not write a extensive commentary to every yacht.
* You must know that my hotel was in Nice, so I took everyday the train to Monaco. The track is beautiful following the coastline! At the secound day to the show I was able to snap some shots.. * "Madam GU" anchoring near Monaco! * My love to "ACE" is pretty much known here, so you can imagine my reaction when I saw her and "Garcon 4 ACE" again!
Wow Thank you Milow !! What a feast ! Great job ! I just love Param Jamuna IV - you did not perhaps get any close ups of her aft ?
* The photos were taken while the train was driving, so sorry for the quality. That was it for today but will post more tomorrow... stay tuned!
Thanks a lot for your kind reply Bagatelle, Felipe and Ombreet!! @ Ombreet, I arrived in Nice/ Monaco on 24th and left on 27th September, so I had 2 full days at the show.. Indeed the weather on the day I arrived was great but then it was pretty much overcasted.
And also thank you very much for your appreciation C4ENG, TK-430 and Ron!! Participating in this beautiful community is a pleasure for me and the MYS gave me now the opportunity to bring something back to you guys! So you all are welcome.
The only question is now, do you have more photos? And I think you said you had model photos as well?
Oh no worries... there are many photos I will upload today! Including night shot Well I meant photos of yacht models not real models hehe. But Fraser's ladies were VERY nice to say the least...You would have liked them!
* During the MYS I also had the chance to attend the first flight show in my life! * "The Red Arrows"..
* For the flight show many yachts came a bit closer, for example "Nirvana" and "Solemates" and "Madame GU" arrived now as well! * almost more impressive than the yachtshow itself!