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Monaco Yacht Show 2013

Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by Milow232, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * continued

    * "Amadeus" the 2004 converted vessel with an design of Reymond Langton.
    In my opinion the best looking conversion ever done!

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  2. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * "St. David" originally built as "Xanadu"by Benetti in 2008 she has changed owners twice since then. She is also the only Benetti designed by Andrew Winch.

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  3. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * Continued

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  4. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    *Once again close-ups from the sea side

    * I am not getting tired of these photos, I hope you are not as well. :)

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  5. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * And here are even more..

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  6. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * Now the floating pontons as seen from the water..

    * I hope it is okay when I do not write a extensive commentary to every yacht.

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  7. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * continued

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  8. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * Some distance shots of "Quattroelle"

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  9. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * You must know that my hotel was in Nice, so I took everyday the train to Monaco. The track is beautiful following the coastline! At the secound day to the show I was able to snap some shots..

    * "Madam GU" anchoring near Monaco!

    * My love to "ACE" is pretty much known here, so you can imagine my reaction when I saw her and "Garcon 4 ACE" again! :)

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  10. Bagatelle

    Bagatelle Senior Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    Wow Thank you Milow !! What a feast ! Great job !
    I just love Param Jamuna IV - you did not perhaps get any close ups of her aft ?
  11. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * The photos were taken while the train was driving, so sorry for the quality.

    That was it for today but will post more tomorrow... stay tuned!

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  12. T.K.

    T.K. Senior Member

    Jan 31, 2007
    Cairo - Egypt
    Great photos Milow..........thanks for sharing :).

    Best regards, Tarek
  13. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Milow, your photography is outstanding what you have provided! I am blown away!!
  14. C4ENG

    C4ENG Senior Member

    May 19, 2006
    Ft Lauderdale
    Huge appreciation Milow!
  15. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Thanks a lot for your kind reply Bagatelle, Felipe and Ombreet!!

    @ Ombreet, I arrived in Nice/ Monaco on 24th and left on 27th September, so I had 2 full days at the show..
    Indeed the weather on the day I arrived was great but then it was pretty much overcasted.

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  16. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    And also thank you very much for your appreciation C4ENG, TK-430 and Ron!!

    Participating in this beautiful community is a pleasure for me and the MYS gave me now the opportunity to bring something back to you guys! :)

    So you all are welcome.
  17. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    The only question is now, do you have more photos? And I think you said you had model photos as well?
  18. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Oh no worries... there are many photos I will upload today! Including night shot :)

    Well I meant photos of yacht models not real models hehe. But Fraser's ladies were VERY nice to say the least...You would have liked them!
  19. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * During the MYS I also had the chance to attend the first flight show in my life!

    * "The Red Arrows"..

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  20. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * For the flight show many yachts came a bit closer, for example "Nirvana" and "Solemates" and "Madame GU" arrived now as well!

    * almost more impressive than the yachtshow itself!

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