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Monaco Yacht Show 2013

Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by Milow232, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    View on Vicem's 46m "Mystic", 49m "Ileria", 44m Baglietto and many others...

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  2. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    General view of the show continued...

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  3. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Once again the General view with focus on the Benettis and "Galactica Star"!

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  4. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Further Impressions...

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  5. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Photos do not give any justice in terms of the spectecular overview you get over the show!

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  6. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    I hope the same angle is not to boring.

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  7. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    That was it for now but there a LOTS of photos yet to come! Please bear with me.

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  8. discokachina

    discokachina Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Wow Milow, you are quite the shutterbug! Great shots, almost like being there!!

    Thanks for all the hard work getting so many uploaded!

    Are you going to get a chance to go out into the bay to see who is at anchor?
  9. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
  10. Joseph Kazlau

    Joseph Kazlau New Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Port Jefferson
    Will there be any Lazzara Yachts at this show?
  11. Bagatelle

    Bagatelle Senior Member

    Jan 1, 2013
    Thank you Milow !! Lovely pics !!
  12. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Thank you and Bagatelle, you are to kind!
    I always thought it was you who is the shutterbug :)

    Unfortunately not... you need really good connections and/ or bring a broker with before brokerage companys take you out to their yachts at anchor...

    I do not have got a camera so I took a friend's one... what a mess he forgot to give me his bigger lense as well, so I can not serve with close-up photos of the yachts off Monaco. I am sorry!

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  13. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    It is really difficult to find the proper commentary for some photos. Will have to work on my creative skills.

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  14. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * again some general impressions

    * the Yachtclub Monte Carlo under construction

    * Casino de Monte Carlo

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  15. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * The preperations for the show were at the evening before the started at full

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  16. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    Starting now with photos from the first show day!

    * CRN's 80m "Chopi Chopi" is just to huge to get her fully on one photo...

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  17. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    A look at the Burgess booth

    * RMK's 45m "Karia" built in 2012 and currently for sale asking 19,000,000

    * Oceanco and Proteksan& Turquoise designs shown by Burgess

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  18. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    *The american tower "Ulysses" next to the european "Cloud 9"; "Capri" and "Deja Vu".

    I have got that deja vu that I have seen that photo before ;)

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  19. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * The Sunseeker 40m and Predator 130!

    * Was not "Perla Nero" built in Turkey under the supervision of Vitters?

    * "Balaju" next to Benetti's 49m "QM of London"

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  20. Milow232

    Milow232 Guest

    * "Felicita West" is with her 64m still the 2nd largest yacht ever built by Perini Navi and the only one with Nuvolari Lenard design!

    * I had the chance to go onboard Moonen's 42m "Sofia" explorer... she is gorgeous.

    * And the italian AB 140 called "Onyx"

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