I am looking for a series of 3 models, one for a 52ft pershing, and 2 custom boats, one being 80ft, and one 135ft approx... (both are powerboats, both are flybridge. one is a sport yacht design, one is a tri-deck - i do have detailed pics of them all, just dont have them right now to post) Can anyone give me any sort of price range of what to expect? I was wondering if there is anyone that makes reasonably good models which arent too expensive? The prices I was able to get were all about U$5k - U$8k per model... this would be too much for a present I'm trying to piece together... I'm not set on size yet, but maybe 1ft :1cm, or maybe less even (smaller model)... Just wanted to get a feel for the prices what is to be expected... I may be expecting something unrealistic...
Thank you Roy! Another of my models were displayed at Monaco Yacht Show this year. Designer of the original is Will Allison from Australia.