This is the 118' "Argusea". It was docked at Ft. Lauderdale's Bahia Mar Yacht Basin in December. Built by John Staluppi and John Rosatti, who's high speed visions have resulted in such yachts as Octopussy, Moonraker and Thunderball. The new Millennium 140' (scheduled to debut in mid-2004) will reportedly "smoke a Cigarette", with top speeds in the 70 mph range!
Clearly, aerodynamics play a role in achieving 70 mph speeds. The new Millennium 140' will have similar lines to "Argusea" and will probably sport the lowest drag coefficient of any yacht built to date. However, hydrodynamics and horsepower play a much more important role.
Argusea The boat was actuallu built outside of Dubai By Gulf Craft. We provided the windows and glass engineering for both 118 and the 140 TWINE.
Well I have seen many pics of her flying the Vincentian Flag (Flag Of St. Vincent and the Grenadines(SVG)) so I assume that she might be registered in Kingstown.