Look on the main page of YF. There is a picture of TWINE. Unter the pic is a text and a link to the video.
Guys, I'm just before leaving for the Air Show, but I'd like to leave you with something new...YF Active! I'll leave it up to you to find the new feature and activate it. Good luck! Carl
Darn, that video is impressive. Anyone care to guess how fast she was going? She looked so graceful it's hard to tell. I'm guessing anywhere from 40 to 60kts. An action video would make a nice encore. How much of an effect on top speed would the lengthened decks have?
What's wrong with the link to the M.140-video??? Tested like five different computers here... but I can't see it Any idéas what the problem might be??
I just checked it out again right now... working fine. Are you missing any plug-ins for viewing media?
Great Video, I hope there`ll come many more. But now I have a Video-queston: Can you look at the Video of Ghost (one of the less sailyachts which are very cool) at lucabrenta.com? Sorry I can`t give you a direct link, because it`s an flash site. I can`t see the Video.
I just checked, it works fine for me. The site is Flash, but the videos load in Windows Media player. There doesn't seem to be any sound on it though.
Hm when I klick on the link there is a new window with an red X. No WMP oder sth. else. Any tipps? (sorry offtopic)
Do you have the latest version of Media Player? Also, what browser are you using? The browser has to be set to play media as well I believe.
OK I got the flash thing working now... (still think it would be better not to have the videos in flash-format though... Could be nice to have them as normal download-files!?)
Thats funny, because for half a day I had sound but no picture (not joking), perhaps I had your sound and you had my picture? It fixed it's self though, and all's fine now.
With TWINE have been modified and re-launced by now, is Stallupi of Millenium still going to keep her up for sale. What will this change her price to, currently $28mill / £16mill? Has been up for brokerage for some time now with no takers. Just have to wait and see what lucky sod finally gets her. Jay - Talon
TWINE will be pretty nice once re-commissioned. New crew quarters with expanded living space instead of non-usable void spaces. In profile she will look as if original. I believe all parties concerned will consider this an upgrade!
Scaffolding coming down today........Relaunching early next week. We will provide photos Monday/Tuesday