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Miami to Grenada

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Freebird, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I'm sure a 35 knot cruise helped you make it down there quickly! What does that boat cruise at?
  2. sagharborskip

    sagharborskip Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Sag Harbor, NY
    Boat would easily hold 35 kt all day long...tops out at 40.

    We never touched that, though. As fuel consumption becomes an issue (and filling/emptying bladders, extra weight, etc) I opted for taking it back down to 11/12 kts.

    So we were able to make Clarence Town direct to Ocean World (315 nm) on about 600 gallons total. Same from Ocean World to Puerto Del Rey.

    Last two days, however, I made just over 325 nm @ 22-24 kts and only burned 650 gallons as they didn't have diesel in Le Marin, Martinique (got there late Sunday afternoon and they were holding the last diesel for the 218' Hetairos). Rather than wait all morning for the delivery, we ran on what we had and wound up being fine.

    Not being all that familiar w/ sport fish hulls...I have to say the ride was fantastic. I can honestly say the boat only pounded half a dozen times the whole ride (and we had lots of 6-8' seas mostly beam/port quarter but lots of opportunities for cross wave action - thank goodness I thoroughly RainX'd the windows before we left!).

    When we pulled into Ocean World (who designed the the 10' high concrete docks with the 4' gap under them?) there was a big Ocean Alexander that had been on the radar all night ahead of us...same weather, same heading, boat was not quite twice as big (almost) and they got killed over night - every one aboard sick, they had to throttle back, etc. The F & S was jumpy, but we managed fine. Came early morning, I was able to pump it up to 20 kts and cruise on in...