Not much information on McKinna Yachts such as reviews or discussions. Any info is greatly appreciated and particularly the earlier model 65 Pilothouse. Thank you.
I'm not familiar with the early model 65' pilothouse, although McKinna has a new 65' flybridge. I spoke with Mel Wolf from Generation Marine over the weekend and we may do a feature on it in the future. Until then, I would suggest contacting him for more information on the line.
I purchased a 1998 48' pilothouse McKinna in March 2006. am looking for anyone that may want to swap stories re manufacture, maintenance, capablities etc.
47 ft. McKinna sundeck I am in the process of purchasing a 47 ft McKinna and also cannot find a lot of discussion. I understand they are were built at the Lien Hwa yard in Tiawan. Would also like to get some input and stories from McKinna owners if possible. Thanks
McKinna 47 Does anyone have any information about these Yachts? I too am looking but can find very little. Thanks!
I have run a couple of them for delivery to boat shows, a 65 and a 48. I was very impressed with the 65', it was a few years old and it was built with 800 HP engines instead of the much larger ones found in so many others of thast size. The boat cruised at 20 knots with out the fuel burn of Viking or some others. The 48 was slower, but well built. The yard where they were built is very high quality, do some research on the yard for more information.