There was a recent thread on the operating costs of Mans and some made the case that the higher maintenance costs were offset by fuel savings Still, when I see $22k for the 1000hrs service on a pair of Mana knowing that i paid around $5k for the 1000 and 3000 hrs service on a pair of 1400hp cat 3412Es, I have to wonder why would anyone want a boat with Mans.
I own a 60' Viking that has 1997 MAN 820's. Just did complete MAN recommended 2000 hour service last winter. New injectors, complete inter cooler and turbo rebuilds, etc. Good news is we gained back about 1.5 MPH at same fuel burn of 60GPH total, 22 knots at 1925 RPM pushing 75,000 pounds. Cost was close to $12,000.00 from our Michigan MAN authorized service man. My $0.02 is they are great engines as long as you take care of them, and Dave at JBYS is a good Man guy up here in Detroit.
I have downloaded and read the maintenance schedule for these engines and I can't see how it could possibly cost that much. According to the MANual, besides oil changes and inspections the only service required during the first 4000 hrs is cleaning the intercoolers, heat exchanger and turbos every 2 years, and replacing the coolant caps and hoses every 4 years. Am I missing something? I understand that eventually you have to start replacing coolers and injectors and rebuilding the injection pump. How can it possibly cost 10,000 a piece?
Was that $12k for both engines? That sounds a little more reasonable. Was that the first major expenditure for maintenance in 2000 hrs?
Yes, $12K total for both, entire job including some additional labor for Battery's, etc. Next 1000 hour interval should be less than half that cost. The 2000 hour intervals are the expensive ones.
When I shopped around for the 1000 hr service I contacted no less than three authorized MAN dealers, all their quotes were close to the $22K that I went with. Not sure if the new V12 1550s have more that needs to be done or not? Here is what it includes: Drain and contain coolant systems and remove heat exchanger assemblies clean and remove all air piping and inspect turbos disassemble coolers and heat exchangers and clean, reinstall with new gaskets and seals set valve lash as required reinstall heat exchangers and charge air coolers and all related piping using new seals and gaskets change oil, oil filters, and secondary fuel filters replace impellers on raw water pump inspect all other hoses and clamps refill engines with coolant. Total time to do the job is approximately 2.5 weeks. I post all of this as an FYI as I am satisfied with the estimate and dealer that I am working with.
I'd have to check my invoices but several years ago my 1000 service on my 820s was $16-18K range (for both engines). They go thru those engines from top to bottom - its not just your normal cat-scan (intended as humor. No response necessary)
MSviking, Yes includes all you mentioned plus replace all injectors with new Bosch. Also AirSeps, about half of all hoses replaced, gear oil and filter change and gen oil/filter change. Total was $12,404.93 in March 2011. These are V10, 820HP, so you have 4 more cylinders total than me.
That may be the difference..seems like a lot more for just 4 more cylinders though. Thanks for all of the responses. Has anyone had any premature catastrophic failures they want to share? I assume any major defects would have shown up in the first 2500 hrs??
71 series..........will usually go 5,000 hours or more......The 92's not so much.......DD's are much cheaper to maintain, filters, injectors, sensors, etc etc......As long as a DD has fuel and air, and you can get it started, it's going to get you home......Man's are to be maintained on a schedule, like you clean the heat exchangers and put new injectors every 2 years......whereas dd's and cats are by hours.......for most things.....Man's are good if you're using them a lot of hours.....
Most Man owners move out of Mans maintenance schedule once the warranty is gone. mans schedule, some believe, is to protect the manufacturer from claims rather than the owner by catching problems. I changed my injectors every two years until a 1000 hours (curious combination of parameters). None of those 100 injectors needed to be changed. Great engines though. Economical, powerful and quieter
This is true and I'd have no problems or qualms with servicing MAN's by the hours instead of every 2 years when it comes to certain things such as cleaning heat exchangers/aftercoolers/injectors. Oil changes/fuel filters/zincs should still fall under the normal annual or hour schedule. But even then the fuel and oil filters are stupid money compared to cat's or DD's. Economical yes, quieter yes, torque less than CATS, stinky at slow speeds very........ They all have their pluses and minuses, just depends on what you are willing to except. For me, my favorite are CATS in "most" applications.
Pete Angel or Wendel Angel? We have 900 Mans and use Gulf Coast Diesel Service; Wendel Angel. They are the authorized MAN Dealer around us. Maybe just a coincidence. Ken
I used Pete's brother Wendell Angel in Ft. Myers for my survey. Wendell runs their Ft. Myers branch - Gulf Coast Diesel. Great Job - $1250 for a pair of CRM-900s and Onan Genny. Samples on all plus gears. No borescope.