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Man D2848LE403 800 hp 5,000 hour cost?

Discussion in 'Cabo Yacht' started by Huff n Puff, Sep 5, 2023.

  1. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Just in order to avoid confusion, also considering that the above photos are labelled as "Man 800 hp Engines head & valve":
    Actually, that's not what they are.
    In fact, they are related to the 900 hp version instead, which was a pretty substantial redesign of the V8 block, used by MAN as a sort of testbed for the transition to common rail. And among several other modifications, with that engine, they also introduced 4 valves heads.
    Before it, all MANs, including those previously mentioned in this thread, had plain vanilla 2 valves which (AFAIK - touch wood!) very rarely must be replaced/reseated.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Not an issue to WTF they were, Good catch and wish the owner good results.
  3. Ben Cooksey

    Ben Cooksey Member

    Oct 10, 2020
    Mobile AL
    that's right the photos I posted are of cr900 head and valves
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    My MAN story, bear with me;
    I was already doing light maintenance on a seasonally passing Viking Princess with mechanical V12s many (many) moons ago. I was impressed with these engines, not the boat.

    A favorite customer then purchased a boat with CR900s and found nobody around that could work (well) on them.
    Like a (dr**&^^%unk) kid, I stepped up to the plate.

    Quickly finding support in Webster Texas, I went to work.
    Damm these are great engines.

    Finally found (many miles aweigh) a MAN kid for our heavy work.
    Many (many) years later, I still luv the engines, sadly nobody worth my spit in these swamps to work (well) on them still.
    I still pass any heavy MAN calls to that far aweigh kid.

    If I was just a lil younger with out my back issues, I would be pursuing that local MAN service trade.

    What is the first thing I tell anybody about purchasing a MAN powered boat??
    Find a great shop to support you.. If not, shop for another boat.

    Ben, Seems like you found a good tech that understands some MAN values.
    Possibly sending the heads to my same same Texas shop.

    As a good friend explained to me a while ago; BOAT
    Bend Over And Take-it

    But ya know, we luv our boats.
    Like a wife, we luv the abuse,, spilled blood,, correct language,, blown check book,, ...

    Happy and safe new year Ben and to all that tolerates me..