Sassi inside the dock
If this yacht is indeed the Coral Island successor, its style is nowhere near the style of Coral Island or Pelorus.
Naturally Opera is the successor of Coral Island not in design, but in Name and the Owner. Initial 73m Coral Island had Jon Bannenberg revolutionary design when built and Pelorus was enlarged version of her. That's why these two yachts are considered as the most beautiful up to present. Since the all further attepts to repeat that design in other Tim Heywood yachts such as Projects Opal and Topaz failed I came to conclusion that Pelorus design was definitely Jon Bannenberg's.
Here you can see the initial sketch of Pelorus and find a few lines about her design.
Thanks for very interesting pdf file. The scetch of Pelorus was signed by Tim Heywood indeed but he worked then altogether with JB as his aid and might see several variants of Coral Island during design process and lately use them ih his work. And why on earth in this pdf the Limitless was icluded into the list of fulfilled projects of TH? This yacht was designed by JB without any doubt.
You are absolutely right and here you can understand more the story behind Pelorus, Carinthia VII and Limitless and how they are connected https://www.*********************/yachts/editorial-features/iconic-yachts-carinthia-vii--81 It's a nice and interesting reading
This is not related to Coral Island / Ocean or Tim Heywood. Project Sassi is reported to be Terence Disdales inside and outside design on Superyacht Times.
Interesting. That sundeck 'arch' reminded me of a yacht but I couldn't put my finger on which one. Now I see it: it's Kibo/Romea.
The fact that she’s a Disdale design doesn’t rule out her being a replacement for Coral Island. Disdale styled the interior of Pelorus and both the exterior and interior of Sussurro for the same owner.
Dock 10 with Opera inside. This floating dry dock is the largest in Europe and was rebuilt during 2020 and early 2021.
Project 'Opera' is ready to be launched now. She looks pretty finished in the shed already. Photos taken by and credited to DRDUU.