Well that is your opinion. You can say that you do not like the interior but you are not in the position to criticize someone's taste just because it is not up to yours, that is not fair! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we should respect that! Perhaps Photos were taken down because of stupid comments like yours.
OMG, There is that f word again. Please refrain from such harsh language on the forums. Bad enough you called his comment stupid. Ugly IS Ugly. So, your thinking there was more that one stupid comment on how ugly it was. Somebody took a hint and took down some pictures... Hum... We may not be alone. There could be a few Ugly critics out here...
Milow......The purpose of this form is to comment on Yachts and our feelings about them...good or bad. Yes, I have an opinion and I can say whatever I want to about a Yacht.... I don't know who appointed you the owner of this site as to what we can or cannot say about a Yacht. I suspect that you are probably connected in some way to the owner, designer, etc.....I guess you are afraid of negative comments about the interior. And yes, it was probably removed from the internt because of negative comments about it before I made my comments. Most owners are proud of their Yachts and promote them in the media....(Boat Internation, Showboats, etc.). Alot of them will not print their layouts because of security concerns, which is understandable. But Phoenix2 has their layout on the webb but not their interior. The yacht is up for charter and, I could say that the interior would scare most charters away. I will say that the exterior is beautifull.......But I will still say that I don't like the interior.......that being said.....it's still in Bad Taste.
Yacht Phoenix 2 Web Site Deleted Has anyone noticed that the web site for Yacht Phoenix 2 is no longer on line? Any one know what happened?
Well Ron, Your on line review of the interior so upset Capt. Ennes and Mr. Winch that they felt that they may have to redecorate and have taken down the Phoenix II Web site until your available to consult on the new interior design. They await your preliminary sketches and interior brief/ outline and scheduled payment to commence the refit to your specifications. Haaa haaaa!! All sites disappear for updates from time to time. Good things happen for those with the patience to wait.
I notice that the Yacht Phoenix 2 has not moved from its position in Berne, Germany since October 14, 2014. It might have been taken out of service for repairs or just laid up. The yacht's swim platform was lengthen in 2011 by about 8 feet. Might account for the difference in the published length from launch to current. Still a beautiful yacht.
Sometimes it is also because the owner suddenly wants privacy too. Or the opposite happens when...a boat that has been kept secret for years... the owner wants to sell it so has to list it in public and interior pics surface that were never seen before in the wider public.
Could be something as simple as someone forgot to renew the url and someone else snatched it up to sell it back for an outrageous price.
It's pretty widely reported now, that he died from complications with heart surgery at the age of 65.
Looks like Phoenix2 will be on sale soon. Beautiful yacht, no doubt, and I guess will be bought quite fast. BTW, another Lürssen yacht - Carinthia VII had her flag changed from Austrian to Maltese recently. Does it mean the change of the owner as well?
"Phoenix2" arriving in Gibraltar. This is a very good looking yacht...she amazes me everytime I see her.