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| Lurssen | 156.00M | "DILBAR" ex. Project Omar | 2016 |

Discussion in 'Lurssen Yacht' started by German Yachting, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. pierberio

    pierberio New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Venice (Italy)
    in fact the side quay of IYCA is 150 metre long, measured on Google maps.
  2. Dillon1018

    Dillon1018 Member

    Oct 11, 2014
    Wherever the sea takes me...
    Isn't the berth the Kingdom 5KR is in 180m long? Thats all I've heard at least. That will be a sight to see her maneuver into the dock. A XXL yacht like that is meant to spend 99% of its time at anchor though...
  3. pierberio

    pierberio New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Venice (Italy)
  4. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Luerssen is comming closer towards delivery. The exhaust stacks have been completed and more details are visible as being installed.

    Exhaust stacks.jpg
    Detail stern.jpg
    Please notice, the glassed part of stern is actually a large opening with a second large hatch on the aft platform level. Nice design. Does anybody have an idea what the purpose of those two sticks on the platform near the bollards is?

    But Omar had a little mishap during her seatrail yesterday.

    During her seatrail in the German Bay, Omar did a layover at the Wilhelmshaven harbour. This is a very common procedure for the yards at the Weser River. Approaching the so called Number Four Entrance of the Wilhelmshaven harbour (the Naval base), she accepted the mandatory tug assistance. But one of the large tugs did not behave as expected. The tug captain decided to push Omar towards the quay bulkhead using his big black rubber bow fender. As this is not really the preferred method of tug assistance for Megayachts with faired and high closs painted hulls, the Yard crew of Omar complained by radio but could not prevent the tug captain from doing so.

    Omar received some damage to its paint, filler and most likely to its hull in the bow area.

    The yard captain of Omar was so upset about the strange behaviour of the tug captain and the damage to his ship, he called the German coast guard. The coast guard borded the tug and did an alcohol test on the tug captain. And guess what: The (dutch) skipper of the tug was pretty drunken. Three times above the allowed limit. The maritime career of this tug captain took an abrupt end yesterday. His licenses were taken by the authorities and his tug was chained.

    Depending on the amount of damage, it can be pretty expensive (in dock repair and delay of delivery) for the tug company as no insurance will pay for this incident due to gross negligence.

    Some skipper perform best when drunken, this one did not :).
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  5. Dillon1018

    Dillon1018 Member

    Oct 11, 2014
    Wherever the sea takes me...
    Well there's a good lesson... Don't drink and tug! The owner of the tug company must be having a very expensive Friday!
  6. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    I have spoken to someone who was onboard, the damage does not appear to be very extensive
  7. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    I do not think that there is any extensive damage to the hull as Omar left Wilhelmshaven 3 hours later without deeper inspections. I spoke to someone standing on the quay in Wilhelmshaven watching that event. He said, he did like the "performance" of the Luerssen crew trying to keep the tug away :). The damage might not be extensive but still expensive to repair.
  8. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Omar is getting really famous in the Wilhelmshaven / Jade Bay area. Now the captain of Omar is being accused of speeding in a no wake zone in front of the container terminal of Wilhelmshaven (almost 20 Kts instead of the allowed 8 Kts). His wake is supposed to have caused damage to some smaller construction vessels and line handling boats in a small utility harbour besides the container terminal.

    An investigation has been started by the coast guard against the 55 year old Luerssen yard captain. The AIS and radar plots of the German Bay radar control center and Omars voyage recorder plus the damage of those vessels are being evaluated. If proven, the captain will receive a pretty expensive speeding ticket.

    I have some doubt about this "incident".

    I personally have met this captain before. I do not now a more correct and qualified yard captain in northern Germany. Second, the accusation came from the utility harbour, where those tugs are located. This at least leaves the taste of revenge by the colleagues of the fired tug captain behind. Or as our American members would say, somebody has started a "pi..... contest" :).

    In dubio pro reo.
  9. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    As she has been on sea trials for nearly a week now I would be very surprised if there was only 1 yard Captain aboard. I have met one of them who is also a local pilot. If anyone knows the rules of the road and where the shallows/restricted wake areas are like the ack of their hand it would be this guy or one of his colleagues.

    Maybe the damage to the smaller boats was done by the same guy who failed his breath test or some of his colleagues if vessel operations while wasted were a common occurrence.
  10. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    KIWI, I could not agree more. Those yard captains from the Weser River are true professionals. They now the local area (Weser River including its Delta, the Jade Bay and the German Bay), their common sea trail area,
    like their own back pocket. Busting a simple and well known speed limit would not be their neck of the wood.


    A picture from yesterday, Omar in the Jade Approach just outside Wilhelmshaven. A beautifull ship.
  11. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    A look at how they constructed the composite mast of "Dilbar" (ex. Project Omar)

  12. Hohum

    Hohum Senior Member

    Apr 23, 2015
    A superyacht news site has posted some aerial photos of project Omar. To my surprise I couldn't see an obvious helicopter hangar on the foredeck. In fact with the exception of the stern she looked quite boring from above in terms of features. If the stern has a glass bottomed pool above the space with the glass stern hatch it could be a really interesting space.
  13. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    I think, it is very wise, that Lürssen is resisting customer requests for helicopter hangars below deck with lift. Omar is equipped with two classed helicopter landing pads for helicopters with a max landing weight of 8 metric tons and a D value of 17 meters / 56 ft. Plus the rear landing pad equipped with refuelling facility and night landing facilities (lighting). This numbers represent a pretty big helicopter, which would occupy a lot of below deck volume. The forcasle of Omar for example contains two compartments for nicely sized rescue boats / crew tender with individual hydraulic davits and a complete covered service / mooring deck with two individual companionways and crew staircase through several decks. A hangar would use up most of that neccessary space below deck on at least two decks.

    This yacht has so many interesting features on all decks in- and outside, that the last thing I would call Omars design as being boring. Some details as of today of the final works on Omar at the Aumund facility.

    1 Omar final works.jpg

    Omar looked like an anthill today. A lot of working staff on all decks with 3 cranes loading and unloading material. A lot of touch up work and installation of equipment.
    Final delivery is coming closer.

    2 Omar total view.jpg

    A very interesting feature of Omar is her exterior paint scheme. It changes its look with changing light and sunshine. Today she looked almost off white.

    3 Omar Stern details.jpg

    Very intersting her quite complicated stern arrangement comprising 3 decks. I had to climb a few jacobs ladders in my life but this one looks pretty filigree.
    Its probably just an alibi for industrial MOB safety.

    4 Omar Funnels.jpg

    Her exhaust stacks are back under covered scaffolding, the work hopefully not cause by the results of the seatrails. Btw. it was pretty windy today.

    5 Omar wheelhouse and Rescue boat.jpg

    That looks like a pretty roomy wheelhouse, some aircraft carrier captain would be proud of (only because of its size of course :)). Her SOLAS life boats are installed and the port forward tender compartement is visible. Means four large tender compartements in the hull, two SOLAS life boats on main deck, two SOLAS rescue boat / crew tender on the foredeck plus some toys on port and starboard on the aft mooring decks.

    This giant yacht is growing on me, anytime I see her with my own eyes. The volume of this yacht is very impressive, especially if compared with the "little" 104 meter Quantum Blue on the other side of the river. I rather do not try to calculate her operating costs :). But as you guys keep saying, if you have to calculate them, you cant afford them. A lot of very nice large yachts Mr. Putin can confiscate one day from his fellow comrades.

    Not very much I would have done different on her exept on those matters of taste on her interior. I am looking forward to see her in the Med.

  14. force1

    force1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2004
    lake texoma
    Does anyone know the gross tonnage of project Omar, in a online video on Peter Lürssen states that project Omar is the largest yacht built by gross tonnage
  15. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Somewhere around 15,000
  16. force1

    force1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2004
    lake texoma
    I,m thinking 16,000 super-yacht Al Said is 15,850
  17. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    She's at it again...

  18. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Nice video! One could think, the two Lürssen cousins wanted to see Omar parade the Weser River up and down in front of their head office (just joking) :). Pretty big boat, when you compare it with Phoenix 2 and Quantum Blue, both not very small either.
  19. force1

    force1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2004
    lake texoma
    Reading else where online Project Omar is actually over 18,000 gross tonnage. Can anyone confirm or deny?