Not a problem Bill. The best place to find out those pics are in Marine Traffic. Aegean University made a wonderful site, with lot of errors, of course, but still the best. It is new and then clear many adjustments still need. I don't know if mods here will delete my link cause you know, same approachs, but then here you are. The satdome-shiitake pop-up spread disease is the main problem on the top of her, but the rest is pretty ok beauty shaped and nice.
Hi, She has either been anchored or doing some manoeuvring trials just in the harbour in town for a few hours but is now showing it is under way back down the river towards Vegesack
Not only this 'AL SAID' is back to Lürssen since some days... and at Aberking & Rasmussen is something like a new yacht '19348' signal...
Hi, Don't believe everything you see on AIS. The boat shown in the aerial photo is a German Coastguard Vessel. It is not the vessel that is currently alongside in the position indicated by AIS
I know that, it has many errors. Other day i saw a ship going up the A7 Autobahn after the tunnel, sometimes is seen what to be ships running 70knots in north seas, if those are aircrafts like Cessnas running lower in the range i don't know. Other day also i saw a ship in middle Africa, it was a tanker and had no river. Reason why i wrote like that 'SOMETHING LIKE' and that was i mentioned to be a fishing question you got and answered. Thanks.... But then explain me, how could be so many errors there? And for about ship types, OMG... But is still a good reference... I make my Selections, keep cool! I understand they are still improving it! Maybe Greece problems Germany have to pay... Unfortunatly!
Hi, I don't know what 19348 is unless it is the cardinal mark alongside the berth at Abekings, it is not an Abeking or Lurssen Hull No. If you had been to sea in the days of SATNAV you would be accustomed to finding your self travelling alongside rivers or amongst the sand dunes when on coastal passages. That probably goes someway to explain why I occasionally have dreams about ships travelling down the road - In my dream they seem to run just fine along the tarmac.
Normally when appears a new ship in AIS registration at software lists of their online sat registration, it appears first like that, which says to me it could be a new launch. I know it is no Hull Nr., but internal AIS references only. Maybe only Laveller in loco could explain... Yeah if a small boat is at a trailler truck on road going somewhere with equipments running still on, then i can understand your dreams or a small sail pulled by a car, but otherwise for big ships... welll, really impressive how they do. Then only Sandra Burlock to explain like Seabourn Cruise ship to hit the town in film.
Thanks for the tip MK. I enjoyed viewing the photos on that site. I also agree that the multiple SAT domes are a real design killer!
All of a sudden it seems that Project "Crystal" has blue funnels now. Either they are always blue and were covered in white protective film or they were recently painted. I am leaning more to the first possibility. She looks very Octopus-ish now with them yet Tatoosh-ish.
Project Crystal Name Plate Riddle Using wonderful photos of Leveller I dare say that I read the partially-hidden name-plate of this yacht and my variant is "CALIOPA". Has anybody their own variants?
Hi all, i have a variant, and i think it is the final variant Her name is "Katara". I pictured her an hour ago on the "Weser" in front of Bremerhaven. /picture reduced by mod/
Thanks for the confirmation Chronomaster and welcome to Yacht Forums. "Katara" is a nice name, personally I like it. Ocean, your guess was wayyy
there are a few photos of "Katara" on MT...
"Katara" is a beast! good use of that beastly size, tender storage in bow lockers, I assume there would be one on the starboard side of the bow too...?
There is a photo of her with her new tenders amidships but as you imagine they are all covered up... I definitely prefer her over "Al Said"!
I agree. Though, definitely, they were designed by the same person and in the same manner Katara looks more like a Yacht than Al Said which, architechturally resembles more cruise ship than Mega/Giga-Yacht.