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Looking for Coastal Cruiser

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by LuvBigBoats, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Is it the Marquis 59 that has a bath tub? I wish more boats had bath tubs.
    I would seem that Marquis would have an owners forum or sub forum maybe on a Carver site? Not sure.
  2. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    OK thanks will check it out, but an owners forum is a lot more likely to have fans as opposed to objective views.

    Didn't notice a bathtub on the Marquis (in fact very few pics on the one I was looking at), though I did notice one of the Navigators I'm interested in has a hot tub on the flybridge.
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Keep in mind that some things are more trouble than they're worth.
    MrWilms likes this.
  4. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Hot tub on the fly bridge for a 60ish foot boat seems like a great way to emphasize all sorts of rolling, and I am not talking about if this boats a rockin...

    Looks like transporting over land is not on your "really want to" list, of course the West Coast has maybe fewer than 100 boats in this size/year/style so this might have to be reconsidered. Even opening up MI and WI would be helpful. I love fresh water boats. Just a thought.

    I am trying to recall your specifications but there are a few West Coast boats that you have not mentioned that may be of interest.
    2009 58' Riviera in Zooport Beach

    If you are looking at the Marquis there is a Meridian 5800 2010 that may need a quick check on. Yes, another bath tub boat:) She is in Seattle though. One in Portland too and I could have a look if you want.

    I see a 2007 Manhattan 60 too.

    2007 Azimut 62S is another interesting Cat powered get up and go bigger boat.

    Along the lines of Navigator, what about Tollycraft? A bit older but at least the owners that I know always love their Tolly's. I think their 62 Raised Pilot House were Detroit powered.

    Thanks for allowing me to have fun shopping with you! Like you I LuvBigBoats, well I LuvBoatsPeriod.
  5. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Yes, I don't plan to pursue that one, just thought it was kind of funny especially in light of the bathtub comment.

    My current boat was purchased in FL and shipped via Panama Canal to Ensenada. It was a PITA and also the sales tax on these boats is a killer. Most larger and costlier boats in CA are already in an entity, resulting in a 9%+ savings.

    On the flip side the boats on the East Coast or even Great Lakes are cheaper, sometimes enough so to make up the tax and shipping expense. Given Covid and we have my sick relative living with us (creating an even bigger Covid risk) I can't be flying around to check out boats unfortunately. That's why I'm trying to stick with local.

    Saw the Riviera--too sportfishy. Only one queen berth (trying for two so we can allow another couple to sleep together) and not enough walkaround space around the master berth. Still very sharp though.

    The Manhattan--spoke to the broker--the boat has Man engines and very high hours. Trying to avoid Mans and especially ones with high hours.

    Azimut--short story, I read a comment once that said Azimut is Italian for Bayliner. No idea if that's true but weirded me out. On Azimuts. Should I reconsider?

    Tollycraft--they are nice boats but nothing more recent than the 1980s. Plus nothing in CA, at least for now. I guess if one came up in CA I could price in necessary updates. I'll keep an eye out.

    That Meridian on the other hand is extremely nice looking, but aren't they just rebranded Bayliners? Do they belong in the same league as OA, Hatt? Even Navigator? Sounds like you're saying they are in the same league as Marquis.

    Appreciate the help! Thanks!
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Why are you avoiding MAN's? The common rails are GREAT running engines. Smooth, quieter (than CATS), more fuel efficient, reliable and when you factor in changing the aftercoolers every 6 years on CATS, no costlier to maintain.

    I just dealt with 2 owners here that bought boats in FL and shipped to CA. If they're in a corporation anywhere for over 2 years and brought to CA you avoid the sales tax also, so long as the corporation stays the same, is what I'm told by one buyer.
  7. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    I've read the opposite on the cost of maintaining the Mans. I've read the common rail Mans are good engines, but that scheduled services are ridiculously expensive (like 3-4x of what it costs for Cummins/Cat), and same with parts. The ones I've been seeing I believe are all pre-common rail also.

    Do all Cats need aftercoolers every 6 years? Even C-12s or 3412E? [Edit: Just checked boatdiesel and apparently they say change every 6 years regardless of hours. Odd. Never heard anything like that for my Cummins] I heard about the 3196's but thought they fixed it with new aftercoolers and that was it. Never heard about replacing aftercoolers every 6 years on all Cats. Boats I'm looking at have Cats, MTU, Volvo (D-12s) for the most part.

    The sales tax issue isn't quite as you've been told, but sellers outside of CA rarely hold their boats in entities before putting them up for sale, so it's not even an issue for buying outside CA. Only solution is to use it outside of CA for a year after the purchase, which I'm not willing to do. Shipping is also pretty expensive, though price differences often can make up for that. Even may make up for the sales tax.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  8. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    A lot of yachts are in LLC's or Corporations, simply to shield the owner from liability. The one I managed was and the CA owner bought it and the LLC.

    Yes, it is a CAT mandate for all modern CATS (built in the last 20 years +/-) and necessary.

    The MAN service really is not that expensive. The dealer just did a set of 1200 HP common rails for me. $5900 for oil/filters/all fuel filters, ZF gear oil and filters, generator-oil/filter, fuel filters, impellers, etc. Including travel time, labor, parts, etc. They have a 400 hour service interval (or annual) versus 250 hours for CATS, sadly we only had 75 hours in a year due to covid.
  9. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    I think changing all the fuel and oil and filters and impellers on my QSC 540s is about $1200 parts and labor (a little less actually). No travel time as mechanic is local.

    I've read that 3412e are coolant cooled. Any idea if those also have to be changed every 6 years? Does it matter which version of that engine (1040 hp versus other hp ratings)?

    What about Volvo maintenance, D-12s, TAMD74L-B?

    Guess I can just price out the parts for the Mans and possibly the others....
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
  10. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    I just paid $2,000 for QSB 5.9s, plus 10kw Koehler gender service. Oils, fluids, impellers, primary and secondary fuel filters, oils filter and anodes.
    That is at the yard so not travel as well.
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Routine oil changes / zincs shouldn’t be that expensive. I pay about $3500 on the 1650hp C32s. Doesn’t include the gens which I do myself but that’s an hour each and minimal parts

    when I used to do the oil change myself on the C32s or 3412Es, oil and parts was about $1400/1500

    now, where MANs get expensive is for interval services. Advice to any buyer considering them is to look at the service schedule and call up your local man shop and ask for a quote on these services. Then compare.

    Aftercoolers on 3412s don’t have to be replaced every 6 years. When the 1400hp 3412 boat I used to run sold with 5500 hours, the 13 year old aftercoolers where original. Buyers sold the boat after a couple of years but at that time he had not have to do any significant work on the engines

    we replaced the Aftercoolers on the C32 boat i run 4 1/2 years upon purchase Because they were the original style. The Cat specialist I use mentioned the new cores are much better and will probably not require replacement every 5 or 6 years. Will decide then. We average 400/500 hours a year so even if we do them at 6 year, the cost per hour is no big deal.

    Even if you add 6 year aftercooler replacement, I m pretty sure the overall costs will still be lower than MANs
  12. TahoeJohn

    TahoeJohn Member

    Aug 8, 2020
    Tahoe VIsta
    This is my situation and have been advised by our lawyers (Wenthur in San Diego, this is their specialty) that we owe no CA sales tax. We were able to find a lot of boats in FL that were already in sole asset LLCs. FYI.
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Anything with a C in front of the model needs the aftercoolers changed every 6 years........regardless of new style or old style or etc. I had a C32 with the new style aftercoolers..... motor was a 2016 and 18 months old needed a rebuild because the aftercooler leaked......It's just the cost of doing business with Cats. At 3000 hours in 6 years time, I wouldn't considering doing anything but changing them.

    Keep in mind I'm quoting dealer prices to service the MANS, not an independant outfit. I just did a service on a brand new set of C32's and it was about the same as the V8 1200 mans, only about 15% cheaper. There was 16 hours of labor on the MAN oil change at $130 hour......also keep in mind the ZF gear filters are $100 each x2. And yeah you're paying a little over $200 per 5 gallons of synthetic oil, but none of the MAN's I run use ANY between oil changes.

    You can't even begin to compare the maintenance cost on a small QSB with that of a Cat C18/C32/MAN 1000hp or more.....the parts are just more of them and a lot more oil due to the size of the motors. MAN's don't have after cooler issues......most owners only do the 1000 hour service at 1000 hours or around every 6-8 years on them (versus the factory calling for 2). Not any different when you figure changing aftercoolers every 6 years on CATS. I also have the heads coming off of a 2020 set of C18's with 250 hours next week due to oil leaking from them (minor but under warranty) and they're 330lbs each. Of all the sets of MAN's I've run and managed, I've never had anything that needed to be fixed internally......aside from routine maintenance. No unusual overhauls, no heads coming off, etc. etc......

    Parts on MAN's are a little more expensive, you can get them from a place in Houston at a better price. But CAT/MTU/Cummins parts prices on wearables are all creeping up.

    I just bought $6k worth of C32 wearables from the local dealer for 3 services on a new set of C32's, this did not include ANY oil, with a resale certificate/business license etc. and they give a business no discount at all on the parts........GREAT...... So about $1500-2k an oil change PLUS the oil which is around 50 gallons I think. I bought 3 sets of fuel/oil filters, 3 sets of zincs, 2 sets of impellors, 2 sets of belts, and whatever else thats needed to change oil, no air filters, no oil.

    It also depends on usage, if you're putting a lot of hours on per year like Pascal, with MAN's you're doing the service every 400 hours instead of every 250 hours with the C 32's, so it's actually cheaper to maintain the MAN's due to the prolonged service interval.

    I have a customer that bought a 20 year old Post, from another forum member here, I think the engines had around 1600 hours on them. The boat has been from Michigan to Key West and back to Fort Lauderdale since May and 200 hours of usage, not one single hiccup with the MANs, nothing.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2021
  14. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    $2000 including "gender service"? That sounds like a bargain, assuming they did a good job....

    Thanks for this. Couple follow-ups if OK:
    1. Are all 3412e aftercoolers coolant cooled or are some raw water cooled?

    2. Can a regular mechanic do the interval services on the Mans or is there something unique that requires a Man trained mechanic?

    3. Any idea whether Volvos (in particular D12, TAMD74L-B, TAMD 63) or the MTU Series 60 825 hp engines have known issues (aftercooler or other) I should be thinking about?

    4. Any idea what the aftercooler replacements (parts only) cost for the Cat C12, 3196 and 3406?
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    1. I believe they are, but a quick call to a CAT dealer can confirm this and #4.

    2. YES, any good DIESEL mechanic can, same with CAT etc. Nothing unique on MAN's other than knowing how to change the oil filters without making a mess, but any mechanic around diesels would know how to.

    3. Series 60 yes, I had a set of aftercoolers go bad on the 800 HP ones at 220 hours and 3 years old. Volvo's not sure, but they're probably even more expensive to service than MAN's or the same, HP for HP. A small D6 has 3 oil filters at around $75 each, 2 secondary fuel filters at around $75 each, and a few other things per oil change.......

    4. call CAT dealer

    Really, I think you're making a bigger deal out of the cost of servicing the engines. The boats vary so much that choice of boat would makes an incredibly bigger change on cost of maintenance. Buy a Fleming/Marlow etc. fast trawler with acres of varnished wood outside, and the price of servicing a set of MAN's is a drop in the bucket compared to just maintaining the varnished wood each year!!!!
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    "2. YES, any good DIESEL mechanic can, same with CAT etc. Nothing unique on MAN's other than knowing how to change the oil filters without making a mess, but any mechanic around diesels would know how to."

    If the motor is under warranty that warranty could be voided.
  17. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Thanks. Your comment on Volvos is interesting. Seems like there are a lot of them out there but I don't see anywhere close to the volume of comments I see on the Cats. I'm sure Cats are more popular, but still....

    I'll check into the MTUs a but more.

    Pretty sure no warranty would be applicable to any of the motors I'm looking at. These are mostly late-90s to mid-2000s boats.

    Seeing a Hatt, 2 OAs, and the Jefferson (I heard you Capt J but still want to check it out) this weekend.
  18. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    genset. Stupid human with a smart a smart ☎️.
  19. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Darn good price. We used to do this same service.
    But we worked on gen-sets.
  20. Shahrouz

    Shahrouz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
    Ventura, ca
    Suggest adding Galeon 500 Fly to your list also. We just Took delivery of ours Friday in San Diego and Took it to Catalina overnight and then to MDR home slip Saturday. We have been exceptionally pleased so far and this is our first boat with a seakeeper and can’t imagine ever having one without. The innovation, craftsmanship and versatility on the Galeon is exceptional.