All of you with your newer Luhrs! Sheesh! Meet ELCADA, my 1973 Luhrs T360. Previously owned by my grandfather, who was the original owner! I still have the original bill of sale, dated May 16, 1973! Her base price was $43,860. Plus accessories like trim tabs, a Princess electric stove/oven, Monomatic marine toilet, and a pair of 185 hp Perkins Diesels, her sale price was $45,495. At that time diesel was selling for 25.9 cents/gallon. I'm presently in a long, drawn out process of refurbishing her, and hope to have her all spruced up and back in the water come May of 2023. My grandfather repowered her with a pair of 250 hp Cummins 6BTA engines as the Perkins were underpowered for her weight; she was originally estimated to be 15,000 lbs, but I understand from another T360 owner that they came closer to 21,000 lbs when completed. Though not shown in these photos, the windows have been replaced, the original trim tabs were replaced with new Bennett Marine tabs, a Good Automatic Windlass system has been installed, and the whole fresh water plumbing system was re-engineered and replaced, including the water heater and fifty-gallon water tank. Much more to do to update the interior (she still has the original 1973 burnt orange vinyl on the seats!), replace the electrical system, update the electronics and and general fiberglass wear-n-tear.
Wow, great first post and great family boat history. Welcome to YF. That looks like I think it's called the Delaware City marina. Stayed there with the 56 Hatteras. Fun spinning her around there in the morning. Think we had about 2 extra feet. lol. Nice people there and a good sub shop a few blocks away if I remember correctly.
Real pretty boat btw. Safe bet if she wasn't kept in your family she'd be on the scrap heap by now. But if you take care of things along the way treasures can be preserved. With a little diligence she may still be a family treasure for your kids and grandkid. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
Hi Neil! Just joined and was happy to see your post. I've got the 1973 32' Luhrs Sedan I inherited from my dad about 10 years ago. He was the second owner. Not sure what makes yours a T360, but your pics look a lot like mine. We did some work on the boat when I first got her (biggest projects were new AC wiring and a full hull restore/barrier coat after we found blisters) but she's still mostly original. We've had her on the hard for a few years due to work circumstances, but are going to check her out this weekend. Fingers crossed she's no worse for the wear. Hope you'll share some of your experience refurbishing as we restart that path ourselves. I know our windows leak and need to be redone. Did you do that yourself?
The picture is a bit old, but this is Free Will just a couple years before I inherited her from my dad. She's a 1973 32' Luhrs Sedan. Dad was the second owner. I lived aboard for a couple years then had to put her on the hard for the last several due to work. She's mostly original, though we've done a few projects (biggest ones were new AC wiring and a hull restore/barrier coat). We're planning to start the slow process of getting her back on the water now that my husband and I are both retired.
"I know our windows leak and need to be redone. Did you do that yourself?" Hi! Sorry I took so long to reply. I just stumbled back on here out of curiosity. To answer your question, yes, I installed the windows myself. Simply put, I created AutoCAD and paper templates for the various windows and sent them to a manufacturer in Florida. After they were built, the were crated and trucked up here to Delaware where they remained secure until I had an opportunity to install them. Only to find out, due to miscommunication, that they were made 3/4" too large all around the perimeter. After lots of sawing and sanding, and not a few salty words, I finally got them in. My boat has been on stands as well, and for far, far too long; the past two monsoon summers here haven't helped. Hoping to get more done on her if 2021 ever dries out ... or maybe wait until 2022???
Glad to see older boats. I have acquired a 1972 Luhrs . comes with twins Chryslers LM 318 225hp's with V drives. I just took her out of the water and in the yard, where I'm starting to work on her. One eng is good but the port one needs to be replaced. froze up. I'm trying to seal up the air leaks on it. replacing the water tank breather but its rusted bad. have to cut it off. so my windows all leak some. I pulled the forward port side window out, cleaned up and 4200 it in. still leaks. Thinking of redoing it with butyl tape. Our weather isn't cooperating here. PNW.
I think this was the original design and not built in St Augustine. I remember working on a few with Bedford Diesels in them. Any updates on your work? I always liked the low C G ride.
Hi Cptn Ralph. no had to slow down, waiting for this weather to get warmer. I need to get the hand rails re bedded and then put the head back together. My friend will help me do this. two person job. Its all original.
If you can find the original 318 Premium engine, it will run/last better than the regular replacement engines. Remember, those were a special sodium exhaust valves in the heads. Mopar Marine were good packages.