after years of hiatus it looks like Lazzara is coming back. They have started building the mold for a new 65 footer at a facility in Turkey. They have also announced a new 80’ Power Cat under the brand Corona.
So did they lic the name to a builder in Turkey or are they funding the whole project? I'd love to see a builder in that size come back.
No, looks like it s still Dick Lazzara and family. Scroll left for picture of the mold under construction
So, is it an American boat company with the frills of being built in the states, or a foreign company subject to tariffs and Jones Act when coming (back?) to the states?
It is a new boat builder being founded by a family long in the business, boats all new and being built in Turkey. This isn't Lazzara coming back. There's no continuity from anything before. Not the molds, not the designs, not the manufacturing location. Yes, it would be subject to Jones Act and any tariff's in effect at the time of delivery. The whole "We are a legendary American company" while true, rings sort of entry as now they are a new Turkish boat builder. Note that in addition to the inboard 65', they also have an outboard version of it. Just calling them an American boat builder at this point is a bit misleading. It's like calling them a South Dakota boat company because they're located on South Dakota Avenue. It will be interesting to follow and see what happens and once they actually build a boat, seeing what it is like and how it performs. Interestingly, their web sites (the group and the brand sites) make no mention of where the boats (Lazzara and Corona) will be built or of the construction methods or processes being used.
They never claimed that the new company is an American builder. In many ways it’s not much different from Hargrave building their boats in Taiwan, and some of the larger one in Turkey, don’t they? At least the “new” Lazzaras are designed and built by the same people. Obviously after a 7 year hiatus the boats are going to be drastically different...
They do claim "Legendary American Company." I see nothing wrong with what they're doing, just their website doesn't disclose it and people might infer differently. Designed by same people perhaps, not built by same. New boat, different builder, company owned by longtime industry people. It is different from Hargrave in that they have been building their boats where they do for decades. They're not a startup and this is a startup venture. I hope it's a great new boat, hope they all are. However, I will base the opinion ultimately on the new boat, not on what the Lazzara family has built elsewhere in the past. Perhaps, if we're lucky, it will have all the Lazzara positives and none of the negatives of any prior boats. The point is that it's new, it's a startup, not just a resumption of what was being done. That may turn out very interesting ranging from the 65' outboard to the 80' Cat. Those Cat's are some wild boats. Very interesting.
Judgment should be held until the first boats are built, absolutely. Hargrave is now building the larger boats in Turkey and their website is even more vague about where the boats are built.
Isn't that what I'm saying. New builder, new boats. We know nothing at this point. Can't make judgements on something we've never seen and can't examine. But that also means can't judge based on any Lazzara past.
Yep. Maybe my initial post should have been more precise but I often forget how every online word tends to be dissected, analyzed, parsed and examined under a neutron boosting microscope. I should have said “Lazzara family coming back to boat building”
That's funny! What's not funny is the underlying truth. If anyone feels like their posts are being cross examined, please notify one of our mods. I can't count how many people I've met that have expressed reservation about participating for fear of being taken to task over every word they type.
It s not bad here, my comment was meant to be taken with a pinch of humor. This morning on a Bahamas cruising page somebody was criticized for using Nespresso pods. Apparently coffee pods are the next target after straws, plastic bags and plastic cups. Who would have thought ...
Really off topic, but banning pods is not surprising. Even the guy who invented them never imagined they would be used so prevalently and thinks they have become a horrible pollution problem.
Nespresso recycles. Several companies make biodegradable pods, some of which break down in less than 6 weeks. Keurig could be recycled if anyone would go to the trouble to do so. We compress ours and end up with so very little K-trash. Personally we're not coffee drinkers so don't contribute to the problem. Want them all recycled, put a charge on them upfront, refundable upon return.
Sadly, We have been using a lot of the Keurig cups. Land disposal. I can only hope it is made of the faster decomposing plastic as many trash bags offer now.
I have it on good authority that Lazzara owns Nespresso and also owns 49% of Keurig. Before I pushed "post reply", I did confirm it is April 1st.