40?! More like 140! Lady Moura (105.8m) has 75 staff when the owner is on board. During the off season, I heard that number drops to 45 to keep the boat in tip top shape.
Hi, I had heard that launch was near as it seems she has become too heavy for the floating dock it was being built in. I saw a few comments on peoples social networking sites today indicating that it had been launched but no photos had surfaced.
You must have me mistaken for someone else. Unless I'm totally missing your reference in a cloud of humor.
Hi, I think NYCAP was making reference to the fact that it seems the Owner of the large vessel is the Owner of the 2009 English FA Cup Champions who are also a participant in the Premiership- Chelsea Football Club. He and thousands of fans hope that next season they with the help of the latest top flight Manager can finally galvanise all the top individual talents he has spent millions on into a cohesive team that can lift the Champions League
The boat you've posted is Atabeyki designed and she is 147 meters. Indeed she has space for 3 helicopters. The atrium is below the 20 meter pool, which will be made of a glass bottom and light will ripple down. The circles on the sides do retract to act as the doors to this atrium. They have 9 meters diameter. I was fortunate to have a presentation of the boat by Hermidas himself.
here's the latest guys ... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/wor...ga-yachtski-The-worlds-biggest-submarine.html drool ......
Not really "drool..." but much of that information is known already...I am not sure about a missle defence and/or detection system.
The 'Daily Mail' is a low brow tabloid newspaper, known for its exaggeration. This report is typical of the paper.
Hi, That's not a bad description of the Daily Mail Rag, A good example is their claim that it costs £78,000 to fill Pelorus from empty. That wouldn't be enough to get much more than 150,000 Lts - a lot less than she no doubt holds. There are many 50-60m yacts that could spend that amount on re-fuelling if they are private yachts and play the game correctly.
Pretty good review and a bunch of interior photos of Dubai in this months YACHTS INTERNATIONAL magazine. Gives a bit of her history (which was news to me / perhaps not to others) about her build process which was stalled and changed hands mid process due to budget over runs. Incredible interior detail, and still an amazingly beautiful boat. Not my interior decorating preference, but stunning none the less. Review starts on page 56, and can also be found online through the periodicals website. Enjoy-
Try this listing. Gabe keeps a great list that is always updating. http://yachts.monacoeye.com/yachtsbysize/index.html
How about trying the platinum yachts website, which you can access on our sponsor's border. Here is a link... http://platinumyachts.ae/articles/09-06%20Yacht%20Emirates%20YUAE13%20Number%20One%20-%20Platinum%20Yachts%20162m%20MY%20Dubai.pdf
Sorry, I would have linked that had I known it to be there. I however use Firefox and don't get the pleasure of being bombarded with ads, banners, pop-ups and the like. Thus, I don't see what's in the sponsors banners and such. The link you posted to the PDF appears to be the same write up. Much thanks for the additional reference on Dubai.