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Just placed down payment on this 1965 57' Roamer!

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by Puddle Pirate, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. The_Cap

    The_Cap New Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    Boat Town U.S.A.
    That is the biggest boat I've EVER seen on a trailer! You move that with a Semi right?
  2. doompatrol

    doompatrol Guest

    Looks like another dreamer is moving on. The boat's on ebay for $72,000

    57' Chris Craft Roamer in Powerboats & Motorboats | eBay Motors

    It's maybe not unreasonable to assume that anybody interested in the boat on ebay will do an internet search, find this thread and see that it was $45k two years ago, before some disassembly appears to have happened. I wonder what happened to bump the price up from what it was two years ago?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2013
  3. Puddle Pirate

    Puddle Pirate Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Temporarily stuck in the great white north, Willis
    I paid $45,000.00 for it 2 years ago. And I practically stoled it at that price!

    The seller was desparate to get some cash to continue expanding his business.

    And there has not been any disassembly, I haven't done any thing to the boat since I baught it.

    And yes, this dreamer has decided to take a short cut and buy another boat already in the water.
  4. doompatrol

    doompatrol Guest

    If I recall correctly, one of the ebay pix looked like somebody had put the aft deck built-in furniture in a shed.

    Anyway, good luck with the sale!
  5. Puddle Pirate

    Puddle Pirate Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Temporarily stuck in the great white north, Willis
    Thats because they are not built in but removable. They are now sitting on the deck of the boat where it is now stored.

    This boat has pretty much every thing it came with back in 1965. This boat with a good cleaning and just a bit of work could easily be restored to ORIGINAL show room condition.

    And thanks for your wonderfull input.
  6. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    No harm,...

    .., no foul.
    She's an absolute beauty, but girls like that usually come at a great cost.
    No doubt she was once named "High Maintenance".
    Hopefully, her star will land into strong hands and thus secure her place in the Roamer firmament.
    Good luck with the sale - will pass along all interested parties.
  7. Puddle Pirate

    Puddle Pirate Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Temporarily stuck in the great white north, Willis
    57' CC Roamer For Sale

    Thanks Eric for the kind words.

    Had a call on her this morning from a man who says he wants the boat but will have to wait for a settle ment that he is expecting to get in the next 30-90 days. He lives just down the shore from the original owner on Lk Erie. He saw one just like this one and fell in love but missed getting it.

    He was kind enough to say that if some one with the money in hand shows up before he can, that he wouldn't blame me for letting her go.

    Bitter sweet. He is a certified boat mechanic that had a boat fall on him while working on it. After years of fighting with work comp and going through rehab, he is finally getting back to the point where he can atleast enjoy the water again. I hope he gets the money soon. He sounds like the kind of guy who would really love and apreciate this boat. Bonus, if he does get the boat he wants me to get her all done for him and help him cruise it back home.:)
  8. Roamer dreamer

    Roamer dreamer Member

    May 18, 2013
    Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, NY

    I was writing to inquire if the sale of your 57 went through as planned. If not, please reply to discuss her future.
  9. Puddle Pirate

    Puddle Pirate Member

    Feb 1, 2010
    Temporarily stuck in the great white north, Willis
    We still have her and haven't made much effort in selling her. We have begun to make some progress in getting her moved back to Lake Superior. What do you have in mind?
  10. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

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