Hi folks, We've just purchased a project--a fixer upper. This boat is on lifts now, but has been initially gone over by the marina folks and is ready to set down in the water and get going with repairs. We're having trouble getting insurance coverage though: after trying several companies, including all-policies and marine-only, seems that no underwriters want to insure this baby, even for liability only. Any suggestions?
There's been a good deal of discussion about insurance premiums going up and reluctance to insure older boats. Hit the SEARCH feature above and type in Roamer or Chris Craft and PM some of the owners there to see who they insure with and what hoops they've had to go through. Off the top of my head I'd also suggest you PM Pascal. He has an older boat although not a Roamer. Maybe he could give you some leads. Good luck, and welcome to YF.
I'd recommend a top marine insurance broker and let them do the work for you. They'll knot all the intricacies and the wills and wonts of individual insurers. Now, you didn't indicate a total picture of the boat's current condition. If it's not usable at the moment, that definitely complicates matters.
I see you’re up on Superior... although different generation of boat we’ve had good luck with Charter Lakes (Gallagher) on the Great Lakes as far as brokers go.
Insurance for metal boats is always problematic. Don't have a very good answer for you, other than take faith in the power of STEEL. That and try not to hit anything. Afterwhich (and take photoes) your lawyer should well be able to prove the appropriate culpability. Roamers rule. - E "Tin Tonic" 1967 CC Roamer Riviera 37 ' (AL) RXP-37-3501 PS - Need hull#/name/history. Your duty.
Don’t get me started with insurance. It s a nightmare. I think I hate insurers more than lawyers . Just went thru hell getting coverage for the new “office” because it is an “older boat”. Yes 2005 is considered old by insurers. anyway, yes a good agent should be able to check with a number of companies but still difficult have you tried Hagerty? They are the leader in classic car insurance and also offer marine insurance for classic vessels. We had them insuring a classic gaff right sailboat I built a few years ago. Only lasted 3 years since they pulled out of Florida... if someone can insure a classic roamer in this insane world, that would be then
I failed to mention exactly how to obtain marine insurance on metal boats: AUDIO-GAUGE test: Guys like these. https://marinesurveyorgroup.com/services/audio-gauge-boat-survey/ It simply measures the thickness of the hull thoughout. That is your first step. Expensive. For more info: https://www.google.com/search?q=aud...0j0i8i30l3.5905j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Josie, did you have any luck with insurance? Dave at siskiwitt bay marine told me about getting a rider on my home owners insurance for liability insurance, and I did no issues! I have a 1965 33' Roamer Riviera heading to corny next week for haul out.